Faculty / Staff


I am a faculty / staff member concerned about how to help a student in crisis.

Please make a for a student with any of the following:

Academic Challenges

  • Attendance
  • Poor performance on assignments
  • At risk of failing course

Behavioral Challenges

  • Disruptive behavior
  • Conduct concerns
  • Inappropriate behavior in class

Personal Challenges

  • Family crisis or death in the family
  • Significant life changes
  • Financial crisis or concerns

Report submissions will be anonymous to students.  Students will then be contacted by our case management team with available support resources.  

If the student's conduct is clearly and imminently reckless, disorderly, dangerous, or threatening including self-harm behavior, please immediately contact the University Police Department 510-885-3791 or 911.

For non-immediate concerns, please also see the 澳门资料 Student Support Chart: A Resource for Faculty and Staff.

The campus has also created guides for deescalating difficult situations in the classroom and on campus.  The  is on the Academic Senate website, and the Student Issues and Guidance for Staff is here. 

For Additional Faculty/Staff Campus Resources:

How to Assist Students in Distress - CSU

Student Support Chart

Helping Students in Distress - EB