Jessica Weiss Faculty Profile

Photo of Jessica Weiss

Jessica  Weiss

Professor, Director of Faculty Development

Department of History

  • E-mail:
  • Phone: (510) 885-2829
  • Office: LI 2800
  • Vitae: View my CV
  • Home Page:
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  • BA History; UC Berkeley
  • MA History; UC Berkeley
  • PhD History; UC Berkeley
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
HIST 301W01History Writing WorkshopARRWEB-ASYNCH
HIST 47401Women/Gender/Rights in US HistARRWEB-ASYNCH
HIST 65101Graduate PortfolioARRWEB-ASYNCH


[In Progress] "Placing Women in California History and California in Women's History: Diversity, Gender, and Place" anthology, co-edited with Edie Sparks, under consideration, University of California Press

*To Have and To Hold: Marriage, the Baby Boom, and Social Change (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000) Sierra Prize, Western Association of Women Historians, 2001


"Sex, the Single Girl, Superman, and the City: Lois Lane and Romance in Superman I-IV," in Nadine Farghaly, ed., Examining Lois Lane: The Scoop on Superman's Sweetheart, (Scarecrow, 2013)

"'Fraud of Femininity': Domesticity, Selflessness, and Individualism in Responses to Betty Friedan," excerpt in Kristen Fermaglich and Lisa Fine, eds., The Feminine Mystique: A Norton Critical Edition, Norton, 2012

"’Don’t Knock Motherhood:’ Attitudes Toward Domesticity and Feminism in Responses to Friedan’s “Fraud of Femininity” in Kathleen Donohue, Liberty and Justice for All?: Rethinking Politics in Cold War America (1945-1965) (University of Massachusetts Press: Amherst, forthcoming, January 2012)

“ ‘In my Hand it’s the Future, Not Diapers, You See’:  Domestic Ideals in the Responses to Phyllis McGinley’s Sixpence in Her Shoe, under revision for resubmission to Journal of Women’s History

"She Also Cooks: Gender, Domesticity and Public Life in Oakland, California, 1957-1959," in Sherrie Innes, ed. Kitchen Culture (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press: 2000)

"A Drop-In Catering Job: Middle-Class Women and Fatherhood, 1950-1980," Journal of Family History (Summer 1999)

"Making Room for Fathers: Men, Women, and Parenthood during the Baby Boom," in Laura McCall and Donald Yacovone, eds., A Shared Experience: Men Women and the History of Gender (New York: New York University Press, 1998)

"Feminism as Fans (and non-Fans) Found it: Letters to Gloria Steinem," Invited talk, WAWH luncheon, Pacific Coast Branch-American Historical Association, 2012

“A Housewife and a Feminist: Readers Write Ms.,” Western Association of Women Historians, Santa Clara, 2009

Participant, “Sequels to the Sixties,” Radcliff Seminar in Women’s History, Cambridge, MA, 2008

“‘One in the Eye for Betty Friedan and her Feminine Mystique’: Housewives’ Letters to Phyllis McGinley,” Berkshires Conference of Women Historians, 2008

“The Woman who Found Herself: Redbook Readers Write Back, 1972,” Western Association of Women Historians, Vancouver, BC, 2008

“Last of a Dying Breed:” Housewives and Domesticity in the Long Postwar U.S.,” Gender and the Long Postwar, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C., 2008

"'An Answer to the Feminine Mystique': The housewife and domesticity in Phyllis McGinley's A Sixpence in Her Shoe,” AHA-PCB, Honolulu, HI, 2007

“’The Woman at Home’ Talks Back: Women Defend the Choice to Stay Home in the 1970s,” Western Association of Women Historians, San Diego, 2007

“’Don’t Knock Motherhood’: Response to Friedan’s “Fraud of Femininity,” Organization of American Historians, Washington, 2006

“The Opt Out Revolution: a Round Table,” Berkshires Conference of Women Historians, Claremont, 2005

“Postwar Femininity, Bay Area Style: Gender and Public Life 1957-1964,” Western Association of Women Historians, Phoenix, 2005

“A Careerist is Also A Woman”: Gender, Domesticity, and Public Life in Oakland, CA 1957-1964,” American Studies Association, Atlanta, 2004

Red Betty: Communism, Domesticity, and Feminism and the Response to The Feminine Mystique, Social Science History Association, Baltimore, 2003

Schlesinger Library Research Support Grant 2006-2007

Dean’s Research Fellowship CSU East Bay, 2004-2005

Research Support Grant, CSU East Bay, 2001

New Faculty Support Grant, CSUH, 2000