Diana K. Wakimoto, PhD Faculty Profile

Photo of Diana  Wakimoto

Diana   K.  Wakimoto, PhD


  • E-mail: diana.wakimoto@csueastbay.edu
  • Phone: (510) 885-4287
  • Office: CORE 271
  • Office Hours: By appointment; please email
  • Vitae: View my CV
  • Home Page:
    Note: 澳门资料 does not pre-approve, monitor, or edit personal pages. Faculty members are solely responsible for their content, and are expected to conform to the policy guidelines of 澳门资料.


Liaison for Departments of: Biological Sciences and History 

Manages University Archives & Special Collections

Mixed race/Multiracial Library Workers 

Communication in libraries

Graphic design and libraries

Experiences of archives

Evidence-based library practice


  • PhD, Queensland University of Technology
  • MS in Library and Information Science, Simmons College
  • MA in History, Simmons College
  • BS, Ecology and Evolution, University of California at Santa Cruz

Not teaching this semester.

Peer-reviewed Articles

Wakimoto, D. K. (2021). Exploring internal communication in public libraries: Challenges and opportunities for library leaders. Library Leadership & Management, 35(2), 1-18.

Alexander, S., & Wakimoto, D. K. (2020). Leading others to lead: The importance of staff empowerment in times of change. Library Leadership & Management, 34(2), 1-10.  

Wakimoto, D. K., & Lewis, R. E. (2019). School counselors’ changing perceptions of ePortfolios: From graduate students to professionals. Internet and Higher Education, 41, 45-50.

Alexander, S., & Wakimoto, D. K. (2019). Exploration of reference models in a public university system. Reference Services Review, 47(1), 21-36.  

Wakimoto, D. K. (2017). Collections, connections, and change: Differences in experiencing archives. Library Review, 66(1/2), 2-15.

Wakimoto, D. K., Alexander, S., Bussmann, J. D., Winkelman, P., & Guo, J. (2016). Campus-wide information literacy assessment: An opportunity for library leadership through understanding faculty perspectives. Library Leadership & Management, 31(1), 1-19.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2016). Library graphic design best practices and approval processes. New Library World, 117(1/2), 63-73. doi: 10.1108/NLW-07-2015-0049

Wakimoto, D. K. (2015). Librarians and graphic design: Preparation, roles, and desired support. Public Services Quarterly. 11(3), 171-182. doi: 10.1080/15228959.2015.1054545

Wakimoto, D. K., & Bruce, C. S. (2015). Experiencing archives at universities: Archivists, librarians, and collaboration. Reference Services Review, 43(2), 182-198.

Wakimoto, D. K., & Bruce, C. S. (2014). Academic librarians’ varying experiences of archives: A phenomenographic study. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 40, 452-459. doi:

Wakimoto, D. K., & Lewis, R. E. (2014). Graduate student perceptions of eportfolios: Uses for reflection, development, and assessment. Internet & Higher Education, 21, 53-58. doi:

Wakimoto, D. K., Hansen, D., & Bruce, C. (2013). The case of LLACE: Challenges, triumphs, and lessons of a community archives. The American Archivist, 76(2), 438-457.

Wakimoto, D. K., Bruce, C., & Partridge, H. (2013). Archivist as activist: Lessons from three queer community archives in California. Archival Science, 13(4), 293-316.

Oakleaf, M., Hoover, S., Woodard, B., Corbin, J., Hensley, R., Wakimoto, D., … Iannuzzi, P. (2012). Notes from the field: 10 short lessons on one-shot instruction. Communications in Information Literacy, 6(1), 5-23

Wakimoto, D. K., & Soules, A. (2011). Evaluating accessibility features of tutorial creation software. Library Hi Tech, 29(1), 122-136.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2010). Information Literacy Instruction Assessment and Improvement through Evidence-Based Practice: A Mixed Method Study. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 5(1), 82-92.  

Peer Reviewed Critiques

Wakimoto, D. K. (2015). Undergraduates have difficulty distinguishing formats based on discovery tool search results. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 10(2), 153-155.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2014). Academic library websites show heavy use of Web 2.0 applications (Evidence summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 9(4), 67-69.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2014). Model correlates many factors to undergraduates' perceived importance of library and research activities, but low explanation power suggests more research needed (Evidence summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 9(2), 16-18.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2014). Google Scholar retrieves twice as many relevant results as PubMed for quick, clinical nephrology searches (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 9(1), 36-38.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2013). Children display seven distinct roles when searching online at home (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 8(3), 67-69.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2013). Ethnographic methods are becoming more popular in LIS research (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 8(1), 96-98.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2012). Younger adults derive pleasure and utilitarian benefits from browsing for music information seeking in physical and digital spaces (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 7(3), 92-94.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2012). Public library clients prefer formal classes for initial training on library’s online resources and informal, on-demand assistance for further training (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 7(1), 105-107.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2011). While collaboration is increasing in the profession the LIS dissertation remains a solo-authored monograph (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 6(3), 61-63. 

Wakimoto, D. K. (2011). Decline in reference transactions with few questions referred to librarian when the reference desk is staffed by a paraprofessional (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Librarian and Information Practice, 6(1), 53-55.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2010). Lack of congruence between analyses and conclusions limits usefulness of study of socio-cultural influences on student choice of LIS field in Greece (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 5(3), 53-55.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2010). Benefits of unionization still unclear for U.S. academic libraries and librarians (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 5(1), 144-146.

Books and Book Chapters

Wakimoto, D.K. (2018). Easy graphic design for librarians: From color to kerning. Chicago, IL: ALA Publications.

Alexander, S., Bickley, T., Keer, G., Soules, A., & Wakimoto, D. K. (2017). Information literacy assessment entree: Using a reflective essay to assess course learning outcomes. In A. W. Dobbs (Ed.), Library Assessment Cookbook, ACRL Publications.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2015). Using Google Sites as library intranet. In C. Smallwood (Ed.), The complete guide to using Google in libraries: Instruction, administration, and staff productivity (Vol. 1, pp.97-104). Lantham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Other, Non-peer Reviewed

Wakimoto, D. K. (2016). Understanding the archives: Experiences of archivists and librarians. 2016 CARL Conference Proceedings. Retrieved from

Wakimoto, D. K. (2009). Report on Information Literacy at EBLIP5 (News article). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 4(3), 79-80.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2009, March). Seriously, play! Info Career Trends.  

Wakimoto, D. K. (2020, April). Graphic Design 101 for Librarians. Presented at a webinar for the Australian Law Librarians Association, online.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2018, February). Meet the Authors: Diana K. Wakimoto. Presented at 2018 ALA Midwinter, Denver, CO.

Wakimoto, D.K. (2017, May). History Panel. Presented at Cal State East Bay Department of History, Hayward, CA.

Wakimoto, D.K. (2017, March). Alumni Corner. Presented at San José Gateway PhD Program Virtual Residency, online.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2016, June). Evidence Based Library Practice. Presented at a workshop for Santa Clara University Library, Santa Clara, CA. 

Wakimoto, D. K. (2016, April). Understanding the archives: Experiences of librarians and archivists. Presented at a meeting of the California Academic & Research Libraries, Costa Mesa, CA.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2015, June). Can you kern? Librarians as graphic designers. Poster presented at American Libraries Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2015, February). Can you kern? Online and print design for librarians. Presented at Online Northwest, Corvallis, OR.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2014, November). Intersections of the digital: Strengthening instruction through collaboration with librarians and archivists. Paper presented at the Freedman Center for Digital Scholarship Colloquium, Cleveland, OH.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2014, July). Online tutorials for information literacy instruction. Presented at a meeting of the Northern and Central California Psychology Libraries, Palo Alto, CA. 

Wakimoto, D. K. (2013, November). Site supervisor panel: 澳门资料, East Bay internship program. Presented at a panel for San José State University’s School of Library and Information Science, online. 

Wakimoto, D. K., & Lewis, R. E. (2013, May). Professional ePortfolio Google Site development using a participatory inquiry process (PIP). Roundtable presentation at the Action Research Network Americas Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2012, November). A tale of two community archives: Saving histories, empowering individuals, and changing practice. Paper presented at the Buildings, Books & Blackboards: Intersecting Narratives Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Lewis, R., & Wakimoto, D. K. (2012, November). Google Sites ePortfolios in school counselor education: Fostering excellence and accountability. Paper presented at the Western Association for Counselor Education & Supervision (WACES) 2012 Conference, Portland, OR.

Wakimoto, D. K., Maybee, C., & Tucker, V. (2012, October). Cutting, polishing, and displaying: Preparing jewels from your thesis for presentations and publications. Presented at Library 2.012 Conference, online. 

Wakimoto, D. K. (2012, January). Queer community archives. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), Dallas, TX.

Wakimoto, D. K., Berger, S., Nachem, J., & Thorman, C. (2011, April). Breaking into the archives: A discussion for graduate students and early career professionals. Panel chaired and presented at the annual meeting of the Society of California Archivists (SCA), San Jose, CA.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2011, January). Community archives. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), San Diego, CA.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2009, June). Information literacy instruction assessment and improvement through evidence based practice: A mixed method study. Paper presented at the 5th International Evidence Based Library & Information Practice Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2009, February). Preventing a digital divide: Accessibility and online learning. Presentation at Online Northwest 2009, Corvallis, OR.

Wakimoto, D. K. (2008, February). Digitalization: Access or preservation strategy? Presentation at the Graduate Student Conference in Archives, Rare Books and Special Collections, Bloomington, IN.


Diversity Fellow, 2021-2023

Emerald Literati Award, Highly Commended Paper for Collections, connections and change: Differences in experiencing archives, Library Review, 66(1/2), 2-15.  2018

Sabbatical Fall Quarter 2016

Faculty in Residence for Information Literacy Learning Outcome Assessment 2014-2015

Research Write Up Scholarship Queensland University of Technology 2012

Sony Electronics Faculty Award for Innovative Instruction with Technology 2011

Faculty in Residence for Teaching with Technology, 澳门资料 East Bay 2009-2010.

Learning Comminunity Fellow, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 澳门资料 East Bay 2009.

Spectrum Scholar, American Library Association 2006.


CARL (California Academic & Research Libraries) Research Grant, 2014-2015 ($1,800) 

Local History Digital Resources Project, PI, 2011-2012 ($5000)

Jensen Family Collection Preservation Project, American Heritage Preservation Grant, Institute of Museum and Library Science, co-PI, 2011-2012 ($3000).

New Faculty Grant, 澳门资料 East Bay 2008-2009 ($1200).

2021-2023 Diversity Fellow

2020-2021 Professional Leave Subcommittee, Chair

2019-2023 Academic Senate, Library Representative

2015-2017 Faculty Affairs Committee, Secretary (2017)

2012-2014 Library Advisory Council

2011-2013 Academic Senator

2009-2011 Committee on Research, Chair (2010-2011), Secretary (2009-2011)