Benjamin P. Bowser, Ph.D. Faculty Profile

Photo of Benjamin  Bowser

Benjamin   P.  Bowser, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Department of Sociology

I am very pleased to announce three new publications:


Duke Austin and Benjamin Bowser (eds.)(2021) Impacts of Racism on White Americans in the Age of Trump. New York: Palgrave.


Benjamin P. Bowser and Aimé Charles-Nicolas (eds.)(2021) The Psychological Legacy of Slavery: Essays on Trauma, Healing, and the Living Past. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland and Company Publishers.


Benjamin P. Bowser (2020) Tony Bowser’s Progeny: The Struggle of a Free African American Family, 1676 – 1860. The Journal of the African American Historical and Genealogical Society. Vol. 37: 9-25.



  • Ph.D., 1976, Cornell University
  • B.A., 1969, Franklin & Marshall College

Not teaching this semester.

Recent Publications include:
B.P. Bowser and Chelli Devadutt (eds.) Racial Inequality in New York City Since 1965. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2019.
Aimé Charles-Nicolas and B.P. Bowser (eds.) L’eslavage: quel impact sur la psychologie des populations? [Slavery: What are its psychological effects?] Fort de France: Desnel, 2018.
B.P. Bowser, The Abandoned Mission in Public Higher Education: The Case of the 澳门资料. New York: Routledge, 2017.
B.P. Bowser, Racism: Origin and Theory, Journal of Black Studies, 48(6): 572-590, 2017.
B.P. Bowser, Fullilove, R. and Word, C.O., Is the New Heroin Epidemic Really New?: Racializing Heroin, Journal of the National Medical Association, 109(1): 28-32, 2017.

Charles-Nicolas, Aimé and B.P. Bowser (eds.)(2018) L’eslavage: quel impact sur la psychologie des populations? Fort de France: Desnel.

B.P. Bowser (2017) The Abandoned Mission in Public Higher Education: The Case of the 澳门资料.  New York: Routledge.

B.P. Bowser, C. Word, T. Seddon (2014) Understanding Drug Use and Abuse: A Global Perspective. London: Palgrave-MacMillan.

Paul Lovejoy and BP. Bowser (eds.)(2012), The Transatlantic Slave Trade and Slavery: New Directions in Teaching and Learning. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press.

BP. Bowser (2012) Gangster Rap and Its Social Cost: Exploiting Hip Hop and Using Racial Stereotypes to Entertain America. Amherst, N.Y.: Cambria Press.

BP. Bowser (2007) The Black Middle Class: Mobility and Vulnerabilities. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

BP. Bowser, E. Quimby and M. Singer (eds.)(2007) When Communities Assess their AIDS Epidemics: Results of Rapid Assessment of HIV/AIDS in Eleven U.S. Cities. Lanham: Lexington Books.

BP. Bowser, S. Mishra, C. Keback, and G. Lemp (eds.)(2004) Preventing AIDS: Community-Science Collaboration. Binghamton, N.Y.: Haworth Press.

BP. Bowser (ed.) (2002) The Social Dimensions of AIDS: A Sociology of the AIDS Epidemic. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 22(4-6), 2002.

BP. Bowser and L. Kushnick (eds.)(2002) Against the Odds: Scholars Who Challenged Race in the Twentieth Century. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press.

BP. Bowser and R. Hunt, (eds.)(1996) Impacts of Racism on White Americans (2 ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications,

BP. Bowser (ed.)(1995) Racism and Anti-Racism in World Perspective. Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage Publications.

BP. Bowser, T. Jones and G. Auletta-Young (eds.)(1995) Toward the Multicultural University. Westport, CN: Praeger Press.

BP. Bowser, G. Auletta and T. Jones (1993). Confronting Diversity Issues on Campus. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

BP. Bowser (ed.)(1991) Black Male Adolescents: Parenting and Education in Community Context. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America.


Bowser, B. P., Lewis, D. and Dogan, D. (2011) 'External Influences on Drug Treatment Interventions: East Palo Alto's Free-at-Last', J. Addict Med, 5(2), 115-122.

BP. Bowser, D. Lewis, D. Dogan and C. Word (2010) Drug Treatment Clients and their Community Peers: How They Differ, Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. 9:89–105.

BP. Bowser, T. Jenkins-Barnes, C. Dillard Smith and G. Lockett (2009) Harm Reduction for Drug Abusing Ex-Offenders: Outcome of the Cal-Pep MORE Project. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work. 7(1-2): 15-29.

BP. Bowser, L. Ryan, C. Dillard Smith, and G. Lockett (2008) Outreach-Based Drug Treatment for Minority Women: The Cal-Pep Risk-Reduction Demonstration Project. International Journal of Drug Policy. 19(6): 492-5.

BP. Bowser (2007) Ethnography of Racial Identities in Paris: Public Indicators of Social Hierarchy. Social Science Information, 46 (4): 591-605.

BP. Bowser (2007). Expanding W.E.B. Du Bois’ Concept of Double Consciousness. Perspectives: Newsletter of the ASA Theory Section, 29 (1): 6-8.

BP. Bowser, C. Word, M. Duncan Stanton, B. Coleman (2003). Death in the Family and HIV Risk-Taking among Intravenous Drug Users. The Journal of Family Process, 42(2): 291-304.

BP. Bowser (2003) A Meaning of 9/11: Failure in Race Relations at Home Has Led to a Failed US Foreign Policy Overseas. Sage Race Relations Abstracts, 28(3-4): 19-24.

BP. Bowser, C. Word, G. Lockett, C. Dillard Smith (2001). How Drug Abusers Organize Their Participation in HIV/AIDS Studies. Journal of Drug Issues, 31(4): 941-956.

BP. Bowser and R. Bilal (2001) Drug Treatment Effectiveness: African American Culture in Recovery. Journal of Drug Issues. 33(4): 391-401.

ER. Monterroso, et al. (2000). Prevention of HIV Infection in Street-Recruited Injection Drug Users. J. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 25(1): 63-70.

C. Word and BP. Bowser (1997). Background to Crack Cocaine Addiction and HIV High Risk Behaviors: Another AIDS Epidemic. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 23 (1): 67-78.

BP. Bowser (1996). African American Men as Injection Drug Users: An Application of Alienation Theory to Addiction and Treatment. The Journal of Research on Minority Affairs, 6 (1): 85-101.

KL. Irwin, BR. Edlin, S. Faruque, HV. McCoy, C. Word, Y. Serrano, J. Inciardi, B. Bowser, SD. Holmberg (1996). Crack Cocaine Smokers who Turn to Drug Injection: Characteristics, Factors Associated with Injection, and Implications for HIV Transmission. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 42: 85-92.

BR. Edlin, KL. Irwin, S. Faruque, CB. McCoy, C. Word, Y. Serrano, JA. Inciardi, BP. Bowser, RF. Schilling, SD. Holmberg. (1994). Intersecting Epidemics--crack Cocaine Use and HIV Infection among Inner-city Young Adults. Multicenter Crack Cocaine and HIV Infection Study Team. New England Journal of Medicine, 331: 1422-1427.

BP. Bowser and C. Word (1993). A Comparison of African-American Adolescent Crack Cocaine Users with Nonusers: Background Factors to Drug Use and HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 7 (3): 155-161. Reprinted In GA. Marlatt and GR. VandenBos (eds.). Addictive Behaviors: Readings on Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 1997.

BR. Edlin, KL. Irwin, DD. Ludwig, HV. McCoy, Y. Serrano, C. Word, BP. Bowser, S. Faruque, CB. McCoy, RF. Schilling. (1992). High-risk Sex Behavior among Young Street-recruited Crack Cocaine Smokers in Three American Cities: An Interim Report. the Multicenter Crack Cocaine and HIV Infection Study Team. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 24 (4): 363-371.

BP. Bowser (1992). African-American Culture and AIDS Prevention: From Barrier to Ally. The Western Journal of Medicine, 157 (3): 286-289.

BP. Bowser, R. Fullilove and M. Fullilove (1990). African-American Youth and AIDS High Risk Behavior: The Social Context and Barriers to Prevention. Youth and Society, 22 (1): 54-66.

R. Fullilove, M. Fullilove and BP. Bowser (1990). Crack Users: The New AIDS Risk Group? Journal of Cancer Prevention and Detection, 14 (3): 363-368.

R. Fullilove, M. Fullilove, B. Bowser, and S. Gross (1990). Risk of Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Black Adolescent Crack Users in Oakland and San Francisco. Journal of the American Medical Association, 263 (6): 851-855.


Bowser, BP., and Goma-Gakissa, G. (2012). Exploring Slavery’s Influence on the Psychology of Slave Descendants in the United States. In Paul Lovejoy and BP. Bowser (eds.), The Transatlantic Slave Trade and Slavery: New Directions in Teaching and Learning. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press.

BP. Bowser (2011). Prevention of Risky Sexual Behaviors among African American Men. In Anthony Lemelle, Wornie Reed and Sandra Taylor (eds.) Handbook of African American Health: Social and Behavioral Interventions (pp. 183-196). New York: Springer Science.

L. Hobson Faure, C. Dillard Smith, G. Lockett, BP. Bowser (2008) AIDS Prevention by Non-Governmental Organizations: Inside the American and French Responses. In Sophie Body-Gendrot, J. Carré and R. Garbaye (eds.) A City of One’s Own: Blurring the Boundaries between Private and Public. Historical and Comparative Perspectives (pp. 133-148). London: Ashgate.

Bowser, B.P., Hill, B. (2007). Rapid Assessment in Oakland: HIV, Race, Class and Bureaucacy. In B. P. Bowser, Quimby, E., Singer, M. (Ed.), When Communities Assess their AIDS Epidemics (pp. 129-150). Lanham: Lexington Books.

BP. Bowser (2005) The Role of Socialization in Cultural Learning: What Does the Research Say? In Robert T. Carter (ed.) Handbook of Racial-Cultural Psychology and Counseling: Theory and Research (Vol. 1). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Lockett, G., Dillard-Smith, C., Bowser B.P. (2004). Preventing AIDS among Injectors and Sex Workers. In B.P. Bowser, Mishra, S.I., Reback, C.J., Lemp G. (Ed.), Preventing AIDS: Community-Science Collaborations (pp. 45-68). New York: The Haworth Press.

BP. Bowser (2002). Classical Black Sociologists and Social Theory: Anatomy of a Controversy. In Robert Washington and Donald Cunnigen (eds.) Confronting the American Dilemma of Race: The Second Generation Black American Sociologists. Lanham: University Press of America.

BP. Bowser (2002). Retrospective on St. Clair Drake. In Robert Washington and Donald Cunnigen (eds.) Confronting the American Dilemma of Race: The Second Generation Black American Sociologists. Lanham: University Press of America.

BP. Bowser (2001). Social Class in Black Sexuality. In R. Satow (ed.) Gender and Social Life. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

BP. Bowser and K.D. Whittle (2001). Fighting Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Communities and Improving Race Relations: Theoretical Lessons Learned. In Stephanie Hartwell and Russell Schutt (eds.) The Organizational Response to Social Problems (Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, (Vol, 8). New York: JAI – Elsevier Science.

BP. Bowser (1998). The Sociology of Herbert Aptheker. In Herbert Shapiro (ed.) African American History and Radical Historiography: Essays in Honor of Herbert Aptheker. (Nature, Society, and Thought, Vol. 10, Nos. 1-2). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.

BP. Bowser (1998). Drug Treatment Programs and Research: The Challenge of Bidirectionality. In Sara Lamb, M. Greenlick, and D. McCarty (eds.) Bridging the Gap between Practice and Research: Forging Partnerships with Community-Based Drug and Alcohol Treatment (pp. 135-146). Washington: National Academy Press.

BP. Bowser and KD. Whittle (1996). Personal Reflections on W.E.B. Du Bois: The Person, Scholar, and Activist by Herbert and Fay Aptheker. In Rutledge Dennis (ed.) W.E.B. Du Bois: The Scholar as Activist. Vol. 9. Greenwich: JAI Press.

BP. Bowser (1994). African American Male Sexuality through the Early Life Course. In Alice Rossi (ed.) Sexuality Across the Life Course. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

BP. Bowser (1994). HIV Prevention and African Americans: A Difference of Class. In Johannes P. Van Vugt (ed.) AIDS Prevention and Services: Community Based Research. Westport, CN: Bergin and Garvey.

BP. Bowser (1994). Black Men and AIDS: Prevention and Black Sexuality. In Richard Majors and J. Gordon (eds.) The American Black Male: His Present Status and His Future. New York: Nelson-Hall.

BP. Bowser and J. Sieber (1993). AIDS Prevention Research: Old Problems and New Solutions. In Claire Renzetti and R. Lee (eds.) Researching Sensitive Topics. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.

BP. Bowser (1993). What Are the Community Responses to Needle Exchange Programs and New York City Summaries. In Peter Lurie and A. Reingold, et al. (eds.) The Public Health Impact of Needle Exchange Programs in the United States and Abroad. Vol. 1-2. Rockville, MD: CDC National AIDS Clearinghouse.

BP. Bowser (1992). Designing and Conducting Community Based Drug Research. In Joan Sieber (ed.) HIV/STD Prevention in Young Populations: Culturally Sensitive Approaches. Newbury Park: Sage Publications. 1992.

BP. Bowser (1992). Community Based AIDS Prevention Programs for Adolescents. In Ralph DiClemente (ed.) Adolescents and AIDS: A Generation in Jeopardy. Newbury Park: Sage Publications.

BP. Bowser, K. Hembry, P. Evans, et al. (1991). The AIDS Epidemic and Black Americans: An Exploration of Present and Future Risks. In G. King (ed.) The Health of Black Americans. New York: Oxford University Press.

B.P. Bowser (2023) Social-Economic Backgrounds to U.S. County-Based COVID-19 Deaths: PLS-SEM Analysis, Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, forthcoming.


B.P. Bowser, Word, C.O.; and Shaw, K. (2021) Ongoing Genocides and the Need for Healing: The Cases of Native and African Americans, Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal, 15(3): 83–99.

Recent Awards

CSU Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association 2020 Grant, Social Dimensions of the COVID-19 Epidemics for Citizens 55+ Years of Age
Le Prix de la Plume Antillaise D’Aileurs, Paris, France, 2018
(co-editing: L’eslavage: quel impact sur la psychologie des populations?)
Fulbright Award – West African Research Institute, Dakar, Senegal, 2017

Evaluator, POL HIV Prevention Project, Cal-Pep, funded by U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Oakland, Ca. 1/2011 - 12/2014. 

Evaluator, MORE Project (Drug Treatment Case Management) for Drug-Abusing Ex-Offenders, Cal-Pep and U.S. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Oakland, Ca. 10/2002 - 2006.

Evaluator, Disability Benefits 101 for the California Work Incentive Initiative Program of the World Institute on Disability, Oakland, Ca. 1/2005 - 2006.

Evaluator, Oakland Lower San Antonio Making Connections Self-Study, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Oakland, Ca. 12/2003 - 2005.

Principal Investigator, Exploration of the Disproportion of African American Children in San Francisco Foster Care, Youth Law Center and Anne E. Casey Family-to-Family, $40,000, 1/2004 – 9/2004.

Evaluator, Women’s Substance Abusers’ Day Treatment Harm Reduction Program, Cal-Pep and U.S. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 10/2001 – 9/2003, Oakland, Ca.



Co-principal Investigator, Richmond Workforce Investment Board, Business Needs Assessment, $65,000, 6/2002 – 10/2002. Richmond, Ca.

Principal Investigator, Alternative Rate’s Mechanism for California Group Homes. State of California, Department of Social Services. $250,000, 1/2001 – 9/30/2001.

Co-principal Investigator, HIV Testing and Risk Assessment. AIDS Office, California Department of Health and Alameda County Department of Public Health. $96,000/ yr, 4/2001 – 3/2002.

Co-principal Investigator, Evaluation of The Olhoff Adolescent Drug Treatment Program, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, $319,000 (10/99-9/01), Redwood City, Ca.

Principal Investigator, Evaluation of CAL-PEP Mobile Van HIV Prevention Efforts, University of California Universitywide AIDS Research Program, $200,000 (9/95-7). Oakland, Ca.

Principal Investigator, Parents as Covariates to HIV Low and High Risk Behavior, University of California Universitywide AIDS Research Program, $57,954 (1/94-6/95). Oakland, Ca.

Co-Principal Investigator, Low Literary Mental Health Screening Instrument, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Small Business Innovation Research Program, $99,891 (9/94-6/95). Oakland, Ca.

Co-Principal Investigator, Epidemiologic Research Studies of AIDS and HIV Infection, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, $990,000. (10/93-96). San Jose, Ca.

Associate Investigator, Causes and Prevention of AIDS High Risk Behaviors among African- American Adolescents, Minority Biomedical Research Support Program, National Institute on Health, $140,000 (9/92-96). Oakland, Ca.

Principal Investigator, An HIV Seroprevalence Study of Crack Cocaine Users, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, $267,000 (9/90-8/91). San Francisco, Ca.

Principal Investigator, A Comparative Study of Crack Cocaine Using and Non-using Black Adolescents, University of California Universitywide AIDS Research Program, $59,000 (6/89-6/91). San Francisco, Ca.

Principal Investigator, A Comparative Study of Theories of Racial Inequality, National Science Foundation, $10,000 (9/88-8/89). Analysis of the General Social Survey Data.

Co-Principal Investigator, Exploring the Relation Between Crack Cocaine Use and High Risk (AIDS) Sexual Behaviors, Center for AIDS Prevention Studies NIMH-NIDA Grant, $5,000 (6/88-12/88). San Francisco, Ca.

Principal Investigator, The "Harlem Studies": To Complete Longitudinal Studies of Community Change, 澳门资料, Hayward, Research Grant $1,500 (4/88-8/88). New York, NY.

Principal Investigator, An Ethnographic Study of Bayview Hunter's Point: Background for Effective Community AIDS Prevention Strategies, Center for AIDS Prevent Studies NIMH-NIDA Grant, $5,000 (1/88-5/88). San Francisco, Ca.

Co-Principal Investigator, Research Symposium on Impacts of Racism on White Americans, National Institute of Mental Health, $90,000 (1/79-10/81).

Principal Investigator, Longitudinal Study of Community Organization and Mental Illness in New York City, 1970-1980. $10,000 Social Science Research Council (1977). New York, NY.

Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Publication 2022:

The Psychological Legacy of Slavery: Essays on Trauma, Healing, and the Living Past

California Prostitutes Education Program, Oakland, CA. Street outreach and drug abuse/HIV Prevention. Board Chair, 2017 -

Workforce Investment Board, Office of the Mayor, Oakland, CA., 2009 - 2015.            

Expert Witness for WIC 6600 (Paraphilia) Evaluation Cases, Cal. County Public Defenders, 2008 -           

Editorial Board, Thought and Action, National Education Association, Washington, D.C., 2003-08.              

Board Member (Chair 2001), American Social Health Association (ASHA), Durham, NC, 1996-2002.                     

Consultant, Does the Built Environment Influence Physical Activity? Institute of Medicine, National Academies, Washington. D.C., 2003.

Committee Member, Committee on Community-Based Drug Treatment, Institute of Medicine, National Academies, Washington. D.C., 1997.

Committee Member, Committee on Drug Prevention Research, Institute of Medicine, National Academies, Washington. D.C., 1993.

Social Services Foundation Board Member, Glide Memorial United Methodist Church, San Francisco, CA., 1993-2011.