Li-Ling Chen, PhD Faculty Profile

Photo of Li-Ling Chen

Li-Ling  Chen, PhD


Department of Teacher Education

Dr. Li-Ling Chen received her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, specializing in instructional technology. Her research interests include Web-based instruction and technology for teacher education students.  She has been a speaker in numerous conferences and has been published in various books and journals.

Dr. Li-Ling Chen's research interests focus on the impact of Web-based instruction and technology in education.  She is interested in investigating the relationship of learners' learning styles and online instruction, and how to effectively integrate technology  for teacher education students. 

  • BA English, National Taiwan Normal University
  • MEd Educational Administration, University of Texas at Austin
  • PhD Instructional Technology, University of Texas at Austin
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
EDUI 61001Web as Interactive Educ. ToolTU5:00PM8:45PMWEB-SYNCH
EDUI 66001Digital GraphicsM5:00PM8:45PMWEB-SYNCH
EDUI 68001Current TechnologiesARRWEB-ASYNCH
EDUI 69001Independent StudyARRWEB-ASYNCH
EDUI 69301Master's ProjectARRWEB-ASYNCH
EDUI 69501Ed Technology InternshipARRWEB-ASYNCH
EDUI 69901Department ThesisARRWEB-ASYNCH

Chen, L. L. (2016).  Impacts of Flipped Classroom in High School Health Education.Journal of Educational Technology System, 44(4), (in press).

Chen, L.L. (2015). Pedagogically Effective Online Instructional Design Model. In S. Carliner, C. Fulford & N. Ostashewski (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015 (pp. 1600-1603). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Chen, L.L. (2015). Flipped Classroom in a High School Health Class. In S. Carliner, C. Fulford & N. Ostashewski (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015 (pp. 1246-1251). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Chen, L. L. (2014), Engaging Online Learners with Social Media Tools. Abstract published in the proceedings of Global Innovation Economic Congress (GIEC) annual conference, Dalian, China.

Pakter, A. & Chen, L. L.(2012-2013).  Texting for increasing parental involvement and student performance. Journal of Educational Technology System, 41(4), 353-367.

Chen, L. (2013). iPad integration strategies for teaching and learning. In T. Bastiaens& G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2013(pp. 631-634). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Pakter, A. & Chen, L. (2012-2013).  Texting for increasing parental involvement and student performance. Journal of Educational Technology System, 41(4), 353-367.

Chen, L. (2013). iPad integration strategies for teaching and learning. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2013(pp. 631-634). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Chen, L.L. & Pakter, A. (2012). Texting for increasing parental involvement and student performance. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2012 (pp. 919-927). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Chen, L.L. (2012). Integrating iPad in a special education class: A case study. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2012 (pp. 530-534). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Chen, L. (2011-2012).  Improving teachers’ teaching with communication technology.  Journal of Educational Technology System, 40(1), 35-44.

Chen, L. (2011). Enhancing Special Needs Student’s Learning with iPad. Proceedings of Elearn 2011-- World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthy Care, & Higher Education, By Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Chen, L. (2011).  Life Skill Development for Women with Domestic Violence. Proceedings of ELearn 2011-- World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthy Care, & Higher Education, By Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Chen, L. (2011). Teaching Language Arts in Second Life.  Educational Technology, 51(4), 40-42.

Chen, L.L. (2010). Improving Teacher's Teaching with Communication Technology. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2010 (pp. 2172-2176). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Chen, L.L. (2010). Language Arts Teaching with Second Life. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2010 (pp. 3296-3300). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Chen, L. (2009). Technology as a Follow-up Tool: An Effective Professional Development Model. In G. Siemens & C. Fulford (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2009 (pp. 2375-2379). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Chen, L. (2009). Handheld Learning: A Case Study. In G. Siemens & C. Fulford (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2009 (pp. 337-339). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Chen, L. (2008). E-District: From Academic Crisis to Ongoing Progress. In C. Bonk et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2008 (pp. 658-660). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Chen, L. & Epperson, C. (2008). Enhancing Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Students’ Learning with a Learning Management System (LMS).  In C. Bonk et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2008 (pp. 3634-3640). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Chen, L. (2007). Using Interactive Whiteboard for Teaching. In C. Montgomerie & J. Seale (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2007 (pp. 419-423). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Chen, L. (2007). Podcasting for Graduate Learning. In C. Montgomerie & J. Seale (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2007 (pp. 203-204). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

Chen, L. (2006).  Research in Educational Technology: Course Package, 澳门资料 at East Bay.

Chen, L. & Iris, C. (2004).  iTV: An emerging tool in education. Educational Technology, 61-62.

Chen, L. (2004).  Cooperative project-based learning and students’ learning styles on Web page development, Journal of Educational Technology System, 32(4), 365-377.

Chen, L. (2004). Pedagogical strategies to increase pre-service teachers’ confidence in computer learning, Educational Technology and Society, 7(3), 56-60.

Chen, L. (2004). Designing and Implementing Technology Collaboration Projects: Lesson Learned, TechTrends, 47(7), 46-51.

Chen, L. (2004). Partnership with E-coaching to enhance students’ learning.  Proceedings of Syllabus 2004 11th Annual Conference.

Chen, L. (2004). Applying desktop recording software for meaningful staff development.  Proceedings of Syllabus 2004 11th Annual Conference.

Chen, L. (2003).  E-learning in Higher Education: The CalTeach Example.  Chulalongkorn Educational Review, 9(2), 53-60.

Chen, L. (2002).  Students’ Learning Styles and Collaboration in Project-based Learning of Web Page Development.  Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Presentations at the 2002 National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.

Chen, L. (2001).  Research in Educational Technology: Course Package, 澳门资料 at Hayward.

Chen, L. & Huntsberger, J. (2001).  Teachers’ characteristics and information application strategies of the World Wide Web, Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 29(4), 273-282.

Chen, L. (2000).  Internet Training Manual for Educators.  ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology.  ED439686.

Chen, L. (1999).  How can local interactive on-line discussion assist culturally diverse students in learning?  Journal of Educational Technology Systems.  28(1), 33-42.

Chen, L. (1998).  Instructional Technology: Course Supplement. University of Michigan-Flint. 

Chen, L. (1998).  World Wide Web Training Workbook.  Beecher Community School District. 

Chen, L. (1998).  Web-Based Distance Instruction: Design and Implications of a Cybercourse Model.  In Simonson, M. & Anderson M. (Ed.),  Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Presentations at the 1998 National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, pp. 111-125  (ED423828)

Chen, L. (1997).  Effects of Learners' Language Background and Computer Graphics Display Strategies in Hypermedia Instruction.  Journal of Educational Computing Research, 17(2), 135-145.

Chen, L. (1997).  Distance Delivery Systems in Terms of Pedagogical Considerations: A Reevaluation.  Educational Technology, 17(4), 34-37.

Chen, L. (1996).  Digital multimedia instruction: A HyperCard example.  Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference of USA-SINO Teacher Educational Consortium.

Chen, L. (1995).  Effects of Static Graphics, Animated Graphics, and Digital Video on Learners' Performance and Attitude in Computer-Assisted Instruction.  University Microfilms International, Doctoral dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin.

Chen, L. (1994-1995).  Digital multimedia instruction: Past, present, and future.  Journal of Educational Technology System, 23(2), 169-175.

Chen, L. & Ross, D. (2014).   Using screen casting software to enhance students’ understanding.  Western Regional Noyce STEM Conference, Fresno, CA. March 8.

Chen, L. (2013).  How to apply a graduate program?  Being an invited panelist to present at the Northern California Diversity Forum for Graduate Programs, St. Mary’s College, CA, Oct. 26, 2013.

Chen, L. (2013).  Free Multimedia-based Social Media Technologies for Online Instruction.   Paper presented in the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthy Care, & Higher Education, by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 21-24.

Chen, L. (2013).  iPads Integration Strategies for Teaching and Learning. Paper presented in the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthy Care, & Higher Education, by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 21-24.

Chen, L. (2013). Designing a Hybrid course, presented in E-Learning Showcase at CEAS Fall Forum, 澳门资料, Hayward, CA. Sept. 23, 2013.

Chen, L. & Weintraub (2013). "QOLT: Quality On-Line Learning and Teaching", co-presented in Back to the Bay, 澳门资料, Hayward, CA. Sept. 19, 2013.

Chen, L. & Pakter, A. (2012).  Texting for Increasing Parental Involvement and Student Performance.  Paper presented in the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthy Care, & Higher Education.  by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 9-12.

Chen, L. (2012). Integrating iPad in a Special Education Class: A Case Study. Paper presented in the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthy Care, & Higher Education.  by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 9-12.

Chen, L. (2011). Enhancing Special Needs Student’s Learning with iPad. Paper will be presented in the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthy Care, & Higher Education.  by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, October 18-21.

Chen, L. (2011).  Life Skill Development for Women with Domestic Violence. Paper will be presented in the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthy Care, & Higher Education.  by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, October 18-21.

Lin, M., Lu, M., Chen, L., Farris, D. Reiss, N. & Huang, P.  (2010).  Transition to Teaching Online While Facing Furlough and Limited Support. Paper presented at Merlot/Sloan annual conference, San Jose, CA, July 23-24.

Chen, L. (2010).  Teaching Language Arts in Second Life. Paper presented at ED-MEDIA 2010--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Toronto, Canada, June 25-28.

Chen, L. (2010).  Technology as a Follow-up Tool: An Effective Professional Development Model. Paper presented at ED-MEDIA 2010--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Toronto, Canada, June 25-28.

Chen, L., Goldstein, C. B. & Serna, C. (2009), Education panel presentation at Northern California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education by California Institute of Integral Studies, Nov. 7, Santa Cruz, CA.

Chen, L. (2009). Technology as a Follow-up Tool: An Effective Professional Development Model Paper presented at ED-MEDIA 2009--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Honolulu, HI, USA, June 22-26, 2009.

Chen, L. (2009). Handheld Learning: A Case Study. Paper presented at ED-MEDIA 2009--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Honolulu, HI, USA, June 22-26, 2009.

Chen, L. (2008). E-District: From Academic Crisis to Continuous Improvement. Paper presented in the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthy Care, & Higher Education.  by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Las Vegas, NV, Nov. 17-21.

Chen, L. & Epperson, C. (2008). Enhancing Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Students’ Learning with a Learning Management System (LMS).  Paper presented on World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthy Care, & Higher Education, by AACE. Las Vegas, NV, Nov. 17-21.

Chen, L. (2008). Podcast for Teaching.  Workshop presented at the annual conference of 澳门资料 at East Bay, “Back to the Bay,”  Hayward, CA.  September 18-19.

Chen, L. (2007). Portable Learning with Podcasting.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Anaham, CA, October 23-27. 

Shih, M. Lu, M., Leh, A., Chen, L. & Tu, C. (2007). Succeed in Higher Education: Opportunities, Challenges, and Leveraging for Alternative Scholarship for the International Faculty.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Anaham, CA, October 23-27.

Chen, L. (2007). Interactive White Board. Paper presented in the World Conference of Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications (Ed-Media) by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).  Vancouver, BC, June 27-30.

Chen, L. (2007). Podcast for Graduate Learning. Paper presented in the World Conference of Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications (Ed-Media) by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).  Vancouver, BC, June 27-30.

Chen. L. (2006). Hybrid or Pure: Students’ Learning Styles and Online Instructional Formats.  Paper presented at the Conference on Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) conference, Fresno, CA, Mar.24.

Chen. L. (2006). Student Learning styles and Online Instruction.  Paper presented at the 24th Annual International Conference on Teaching, Reading, and Learning Difficulties (TRLD), San Francisco, CA. Jan. 29-31.

Chen, L. (2005). Enhancing Teaching and Learning with Weblogs.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Orlando, FL, October 19-22.

Chen, L. (2005).  An Innovative Technology Project: the eBus Mobile Computing Program.   Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), Philadelphia, NJ, June 27-30.

Chen, L. (2005).  PowerPoint + Flash = Fascinating Presentation.  Workshop presented at Computer Using Educators (CUE) annual conference, Palm Spring, CA March 10-12.

Chen, L. (2004). Technology Education for All People: the eBus Mobile Computing Program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). Chicago, IL, October 19-23.

Chen, L. & Iris, C. (2004). Interactive TV: An Effective Instructional Mode for Adult Learners.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT. Chicago, IL,  October 19-23.

Chen, L. (2004). Partnership with E-coaching to enhance students’ learning.  Paper presented at Syllabus 11th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, July 18-22.

Chen, L. (2004). Applying desktop recording software for meaningful staff development.  Workshop presented at Syllabus 11th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, July 18-22.

Chen, L. (2004). Creating meaningful Web-based Animated Materials via Flash MX. Workshop presented at Computer Using Educators (CUE) annual conference, Palm Spring, CA Mar. 18-20.

Chen. L. (2004). An Introduction to Flash MX.  Workshop presented at the 22nd Annual International Conference on Teaching, Reading, and Learning Difficulties (TRLD), Jan. 29-31.

Chen, L. & Aramaki, S. (2004). The Solution for Redundant Multimedia Information of ESL Program for Children.  Paper presented at 22nd Annual Conference of TRLD, San Francisco, CA. Jan. 29-31.

Chen, L. (2003).  Enhancing Teaching with Web-streamed Video.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Anaheim, CA.  October 22-25.

Chen, L. & Balaian, J. (2003).  Integrating State Standards with a Technology Problem-Based Approach.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Anaheim, CA.  October 22-25.

Miller, M., Lu, M., & Chen, L. (2003).  Applying Reflective Learning In a College Level Computer Survey Course to Reduce Computer Anxiety: Results and Effective Strategies.    Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Anaheim, CA.  October 22-25.

Shih, M., Chen, L., et al. (2003).  Opportunities and Challenges for International Faculty in American Higher Education: Effective Strategies for Tenure Promotion.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Anaheim, CA.  October 22-25.

Lu, M. & Chen, L. (2003).  Useful Resources in Teaching Computer Literacy and Software Evaluation to Teacher Education Students: Exemplary Students Projects and Practical Strategies.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Anaheim, CA.  October 22-25.

Chen, L. (2003).  An Introduction to Flash MX.  Workshop presented at the annual meeting of National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), Seattle, WA, June 30 - July 2.

Chen, L. (2003).    Enhancing Online Teaching with Web Stream Video.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of NECC, Seattle, WA, June 30 - July 2.

Chen, L. (2003).  Technology to Make Presentations More Interesting.  Workshop presented to local high school students at Day of the Teacher conference held by Urban Teacher Academy.  April 10, 2003.

Chen, L. (2002).  Students’ Learning Styles and Collaboration in Project-based learning of Web Page Development.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Dallas, TX.  November 11-14.

Lu, M. Y. & Chen, L. (2002).  Instructional Material/Idea Exchange: What Do You Use in Your Production Classes?  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Dallas, TX.  November 11-14.

Chen, L. (2001).  Culture and Internet Technology in Education.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Atlanta, GE.  November 7-10.

Chen, L. (2001).  Learning With LEGO Robotics.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Atlanta, GE.  November 7-10.

Tu, C., Chen, L., Lee, D., Leh, A., Lu, M. (2001).  Developing a Competitive Edge in an Academic Job Search.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Atlanta, GE.  November 7-10.

Chen, L., Boys, D., & Worch, E. (2001).  Learning with LEGO Robotics.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of NECC, Chicago, IL, June 25-27.

Chen, L. (2001).  Learning through LEGO Robotics.  Projected presented at the annual meeting of Michigan Association for Computer-related Technology Users in Learning (MACUL).  Detroit, MI.  March 15-16.

Rubio, R., Hoffman, E., Simon, G., Chen, L. & Copeland, N. (2001).  The Michigan Certificate for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching with Technology.  Project presented at the annual meeting of MACUL.  Detroit, MI.  March 15-16.

Hoffman, E., Chen, L., Simon, G., Chen, L. & Rubio, R., (2001).  Creating Professional Portfolios: Practical Tips from COATT.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of MACUL. Detroit, MI. Mar. 15-16.

Rosario, J., Popkewitz, T., Chen, L., Gover, M. & Franklin, B. (2000).  Curriculum Policy and the Live Culture of the Classrooms: The Case of Educational Technology.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA).  New Orleans, LA.  April 24-28.

Chen, L. (2000).  Enhancing Your Web Pages with PowerPoint Presentation.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of MACUL.  Grand Rapid, MI.  March 9-10.

Chen, L. (2000).  The Web, Urban Teachers, and Rich Curricular Environment.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Long Beach, CA.  February 16-20.

Chen, L. (1999).  Teleteaching: Strategies & Application.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of MACUL.  Detroit, MI.  March 11-12.

Chen, L. (1999).  How Can the World Wide Web Assist urban Teachers in Building a Rich Curricular and Pedagogical Environment.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of MACUL.  Detroit, MI.  Mar.11-12.

Chen, L., Fulcher, K. Berman, M., & Tubbs, P (1999).  Teaching Preservice Teachers with the Web: Skills and Strategies.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of MACUL.  Detroit, MI.  March 11-12.

Chen, L. (1999).  Authoring Considerations in Designing a Hypermedia Language Program.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Houston, TX.  February 10-14.

Chen, L. (1998).  Web-based Exam: Development & Implementation.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  Houston, TX.  February 10-14.

Chen, L. (1998).  Web-based Testing: Design and Development.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of MACUL.  Grand Rapids, MI.  March 12-13.

Chen, L. & Miller, M. (1998).  Empowering Preservice Teachers as Multimedia Developers.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of MACUL.  Grand Rapids, MI.  March 12-13, 1998.

Chen, L. (1998).  Web-based Distance Instruction: Designs and Implications of a Cybercourse model.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of AECT.  St. Lious, MS.  February 18-22. 

Chen, L. (1997).  Weaving Usenet into Curriculum.  Paper presented at the 1997 annual meeting of  Michigan Academy of Science, Arts & Letters.  Grand Rapids, MI.  March 21-22.

Chen, L. (1997).  Comparison of Distant Delivery Systems with Pedagogical Considerations.  Paper presented at the 1997 annual meeting of Texas Computing Education Association (TCEA).  Austin, TX.  February 4-7.

Chen, L. (1996).  Effects of Learners' Language Backgrounds and Computer Graphics Display Strategies in a Hypermedia Learning Environment.  Paper presented at the 3rd annual meeting of Alabama Educational Technology Conference (AETC).  Birmingham, AL.  October 5-7.

Chen, L. (1996). Digital Multimedia Instruction: A HyperCard Example. Paper presented at the 10th Annual International Conference of the USA-SINO Teacher Education Consortium. Washington, D. C. April 27-30.

2014-2015, Faculty Support Grant, 澳门资料, Office of Research and Sponsor Program, 4-unit re-assigned time + $424.00.

2013-2014, Faculty in Residence for Technology in Instruction, CSU-EB, Office of Faculty Development, 4-unit re-assigned time

2013-2014, Digital Ambassador CSU System, $2500

2013-2014, E-Learning 2.0 Initiative Grant, CSU-EB, College of Education and Allied Studies, 2-unit re-assigned time.

QOLT (Quality Online Learning and Teaching) awardee, CSU system wide 2014 My hybrid course, “EDUI6110 Web as an Interactive Educational tool," received the award.

QOLT (Quality Online Learning and Teaching) awardee, CSU system wide 2013 My online course, “TED5110 Computer-Based Technologies in the Classroom," received the award.

QOLT (Quality Online Learning and Teaching) awardee, CSU system wide, 2013, My online course, “"Computer-Based Technologies in the Classroom"” received the award.

2012-2013, Faculty Learning Community for technology in instruction, CSU-EB, Office of Faculty Development, $500. The grant was to support faculty to engage in the integration of technology to enhance teaching and learning.

2007-2008, Graduate Recruitment Grant, 澳门资料 at East Bay, Office of Graduate Studies, $ 500 The grant is to support the recruitment effect for Educational Technology Master Program.

2007-2008: Infusion of On-line Technologies into the Design of E-learning Environments, $ 6,038 California State  
University at East Bay, CA, USA and Qatar University, Iran The grant is to support the faculty with $6,038 to teach an online course in Culture and Evolution of Educational Technology. Serve as a research assistant to the Principal Investigator of the Project.

2006-2007: Mathematics and Science Teachers Initiative 澳门资料 at East Bay, Dept. of Teacher Education & Dept. of Physics, $ 2,000 The grant is to support the faculty with $2,000 to design a web site for the Mathematics and Science Teachers Initiative project which aims to provide 澳门资料 students opportunities to obtain their single subject credential in math and science while pursuing their B.A. degree.

2006-2007, Faculty Learning Community for Online Course Design, CSU-EB, Office of Faculty Development, $2,000 The grant was to support faculty to design and develop an online course.  

2006-2007, Graduate Recruitment Grant, 澳门资料 at East Bay,  Office of Graduate Studies, $ 500 The grant is to support the recruitment effect for Educational Technology Master Program.

2002-2003: Faculty Research Grants 澳门资料 at Hayward, College of Education and Allied Study, WTC 2 units The grant is to support the faculty with 2-unit course release time to investigate the impact of students’ learning style and project-based learning strategies in Web authoring.

2001-2002: New Faculty Support Grants 澳门资料 at Hayward, Office of Research and Sponsored Program, $ 4,875.00 The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of collaboration and students’ learning style on field dependency while involving in project-based learning activities in designing and developing Web pages.

2000: Software Award.  The University of Michigan at Flint, $ 1,009.40.The project aims to enhance student teachers’ technology capability in evaluating the quality of educational CD-ROM program in order to promote K-12 students’ learning.

2000: First Lego League.  The University of Michigan at Flint,  $ 1,000.00. The goal of the program is to enhance student teachers’ technology capability in robotic programming in order to promote K-12 students’ creative learning. 

1999: Marian Wright Grant in Support of Excellence in Teaching.  The University of Michigan at Flint, $ 300.00. The grant was for supporting professional development to attend the technology training workshops at Notre Dame University on October 22, 1999. 

Student Teachers and WWW Training: Skills Development and Implications.  The University of Michigan at Flint, $ 482.00. The research project purports to investigate how student teachers perceive the World Wide Web (WWW) as an instructional tool and what Web skills are needed and valuable in order to foster excellence in their teaching.

1998: How can the World Wide Web Assist urban Teachers in Building a Rich Curricular and Pedagogical Environment?  The University of Michigan at Flint, $ 9,179.71 The purpose of this project is to assist the Beecher Community Schools in building a rich curricular and pedagogical environment through the use of Web-based instruction.

1998: Improvement of Technology Training in Teacher Education via IBM Computers University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, $ 13,128.00 The goal of our technology implementation program is to help our preservice teachers to meet the technology challenge and the learning needs of all students.  Six state-of0-the-art IBM compatible computers were bought and placed in the Education computer lab. 

1998:  Software Award University of Michigan at Flint, $ 1492.00 The goal of the program aims to enhance student teachers’ technology capability in teaching and research in order to promote K-12 students’ learning. 

Editor, Educational Technology: Research and Development

Conference Paper Reviewer, EISTA20082006, EISTA20082007, EISTA2008

Technology Board, Phi Delta Kappa, Chapter-0189

Award reviewer, AECT 2007, Instructional Design Award

Sabbatical leave, CSU-East Bay Spring 2008

Best Practices in online Course Design, FLC, CSU-East Bay Fall 2006-Spring 2007

Scholarships of Teaching & Learning Award, CUS-East Bay Fall 2005-Spring 2006

Teachers/Scholars Award, 澳门资料-Hayward Fall 2004-Spring 2005

CEAS Online Learning Award, 澳门资料-Hayward Summer 2003

Advising Board, The Council of Preservice Technology Fall 1997-Spring 2001

Software Award, The University of Michigan at Flint            Winter 2000

Marian Wright Grant, The University of Michigan at Flint Fall, 1999

Software Award, The University of Michigan at Flint. Winter 1998

Director, Student Association of English Department, NTNU 1984-1985