Michele A. Korb, Ph.D. Faculty Profile

Michele A.  Korb, Ph.D.


Department of Teacher Education

Dr. Michele A. Korb earned her undergraduate degree in Secondary Education, Broad Field Science and in Biology (B.S.)(1989, Marquette University). Following that, she taught high school biology, physiology, physical science and introductory level physics (for the Marquette University Upward Bound Program) from 1989 – 1996. She then returned to Marquette to complete a master's degree in Educational Policy and Leadership (emphasis in science education, 1999). Upon graduating from Marquette, she was hired to teach full time in Marquette's Department of Biological Sciences and eventually, in the College of Education (teaching pre-service teachers science methods) and Physics department (teaching a general science course she designed for education majors). Michele spent heryears teaching at Marquette forging collaborative efforts between the College of Education and the science departments on campus in order to strengthen the dialogue concerning science education. During her tenure at CSU East Bay, Dr. Korb has continued to forge relationships between science and education faculty across the campus and across the Bay Area community, acquiring or assisting in the acquisition of nearly $15 million in National Science Foundation funding for STEM teachers and educators.  Dr. Korb is also an avid martial artists and jazz musician.

Pre-service Teacher Science Education preparation/ Developing science education programs related to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Networked Improvement Communities - developing the science teacher education pathway

Knowledge frameworks and anchored learning in high school/ college science courses

Using remote technologies for enhancing discovery learning in science

Development of diagnostic instruments for improving curriculum and pedagogy

  • BS 1989 Marquette University
  • MA 1999 Marquette University
  • Ph.D. 2009 Marquette University
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
TED 47101ECE Integrated Math & ScienceTU9:30AM12:00PMAE-0153
TED 512192C & I: ScienceTU5:00PM8:00PMCCAS-201
TED 53701Science Methods IIM5:00PM8:00PMAE-0153

Publications: Peer Reviewed Journals and Invited Chapters

Forbes-Lorman, R., Harris, M., Korb, M., Franzen, M. & Moser, A. (2020). Interactive, physical course materials provide unique formative assessment opportunities leading to improved student learning of molecular structure-function relationships. Journal of College Science Teaching (in press).

Sinapuelas, M. L., Lardy, C., Korb, M. A., Bae, C. L., & DiStefano, R. (2019). Developing a three-dimensional view of science teaching: A tool to support preservice teacher discourse. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 30(2), 101-121.

 Sinapuelas, M., Lardy, C., Korb, M. A., & DiStefano, R. (2018). Toolkit to support preservice teacher dialogue for planning NGSS three-dimensional lessons. Innovations in Science Teacher Education, 3(4).

Korb, M. (2017). Investigating Science at Home. No Estás Solo: Recetas Para Obtener Éxito, De Padres Para Padres. Velazquez Press. El Monte, CA. Book chapter.

Korb, M., LeDuc, D., Inouye, C., Jensen, M. & Seitz, J. (2015). Policy in Support of Pedagogy: Collaboration Among Scientists, Science Educators, and Engineers in Preparing Qualified K-8 STEM Teachers. Journal of Transformative Leadership and Policy Studies. 5 (1) 51-60.

Korb, M, Colton, S., & Vogt, G. (2015). Using Storyboarding to Model Gene Expression. The American Biology Teacher. 77(6) 452-457.

Korb, M. & Thakkar, U. (2011). Facilitating Scientific Investigations and Training Data Scientists. Science. 29 (333). 534-535.

 Hadley, K., & Korb, M. (2007). Through the Bugscope. Science and Children, 45(1), 29-31.

Korb, M. A., Sirola, C., & Climack, R. (2005). Promoting physical science to education majors. Journal of College Science Teaching, 34(5), 42-45

Peer Reviewed Paper Presentations: National

Porter, J., M. Korb, Lardy, C. (2018) Shifting Science Curriculum with Storylines and Engineering: Redesigning Elementary Preservice Teacher Methods Courses for NGSS. American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. Paper presentation.

Korb, M., Derby, S., Lardy, C., Sinapuelas, M., & Franklin, K. (2016). Bringing Environmental Learning to your NGSS Classroom with Project Learning Tree and the ASET 3D Map. North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), Madison, WI (October 22, 2016). Paper presentation.

DiStefano, R., Lee, C., Lardy, C., LeDuc, D., & Korb, M. (2016). Developing Rubrics that Support TeachersUnderstanding of NGSS Practices: An Approach Grounded in Improvement Science. National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Baltimore, MD. Paper presentation.

DiStefano, R., Korb, M., Lardy, C., Lee, C., Sinapuelas, M. (2017). Developing a Three-dimensional View of Science Teaching: A Tool for Facilitating Preservice Teacher Learning. National Association for Research in Science Teaching International Conference. San Antonio, TX. Paper presentation.

DiStefano, R., Lee, C., Lardy, C., Korb, M., & LeDuc, D. (2016). Design-based Approach to Developing Rubrics for Supporting Teachers’ Understanding of NGSS Practices. American Educational Research Association. Washington D.C. Paper presentation.

Korb, M., Anderson, D., Hagedorn, E., Jensen, M., & Silberglitt, M. (2013). A life science concept inventory on genetics/ molecular biology for middle school learners: Assessment development informs teacher pedagogy. American Educational Research Association, April, San Francisco. Paper presentation

Korb, M. (2009). Investigating Changes in Knowledge Frameworks among High School Learners Regarding the Central Dogma of Biology. American Educational Research Association. San Diego, CA. Paper presentation

Symposium presentation (2007). Teaching and Learning Physical Science in Urban Secondary Schools: Assessing the Assessments.  J. Whipp, M. Politano, M. Korb, Marquette University; M. Sabella, Chicago State University; D. Hammer, University of Maryland; K. Gettelman, Wisconsin Conservatory of Lifelong Learning; K. Kushner, Shorewood Intermediate School; M. Ferger, Roosevelt Middle School of the Arts. American Educational Research Association. April, Chicago, IL.

Invited International Speaker Event

Korb, M. Robinson, S. & Conway, C. (2012).  Bugscope: Remote-Access Entomology and Microscopy Education Since 1999. (International Nanotechnologies and Microscopy Conference). February. Perth, Australia.








Presentations and Workshops at National/ State/ Local Meetings

Sinapuelas, M.; Korb, M.; Lardy, C. (2019). Paper presentation at the Annual meeting of the America Educational Research Association (AERA), April, Toronto, Canada. Paper presentation.

Korb, M.; Lardy, C; Porter, J. (2019). "Promoting Classroom Discourse through Engineering Design: Access to Critical Thinking for Preservice Elementary Teachers." Paper presentation at the Annual meeting of the America Educational Research Association (AERA), April, Toronto, Canada. Paper presentation.

Korb, M. (2019). “Animal Corridors: Empowering Students Through Engineering and Environmental Challenges.” Workshop presentation at the Annual National meeting of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), April, St. Louis, MO. Workshop

Korb, M. (2019). “Transforming Elementary Classrooms with Engineering Challenges: Three-Dimensional Planning Tools for Teachers.” Workshop presentation at the Annual National meeting of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), April, St. Louis, MO. Workshop

Clark, K.; Evans, K.; Korb, M. (2019). “Integrating Science and Literacy Instruction with Struggling Readers” Paper presentation at the Annual National meeting of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), April, St. Louis, MO. Workshop

Porter, J., Korb, M., Lardy, C. (April 2018) “Shifting Science Curriculum with Storylines and Engineering: Redesigning Elementary Preservice Teacher Methods Courses for NGSS.” Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), April, New York, NY. Paper presentation.

Lardy, C., Sinapuelas, M., Korb, M., DiStefano, R. (2017). Incorporating NGSS Science and Engineering Practices in the Context of 3D Learning Using the NGSS ASET Rubrics. National Science Teachers Association, Los Angeles, CA. Workshop.

Lardy, C., Sinapuelas, M., Korb, M., DiStefano, R. (2017). Designing a Balanced NGSS Unit Using a 3-Dimensional Planning Organizer. National Science Teachers Association. March/ April. Los Angeles, CA. Workshop.

Korb, M., Derby, S., Lardy, C., Sinapuelas, M., & Franklin, K. (2016). Bringing Environmental Learning to your NGSS Classroom with Project Learning Tree and the ASET 3D Map. North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), Madison, WI (October 22, 2016). Paper presentation.

Korb, M. (2016). Three Dimensional Planning for NGSS: Mapping Tools and Rubrics for Educators. National Science Teachers Association. April. Nashville, TN. Workshop.

Korb, Michele & Hagedorn, Eric (2015) “Life Science Concept Inventory for Gene Expression: Educative Assessments for Informing Biology Education Pedagogy (middle and high school).” Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Roundtable paper presentation

Korb, M. (2015). Using Storyboards to Anchor Science Literacy in Genetics, California Science Teachers Association. October. Reno, NV. Workshop.

Korb, M., Anderson, D., Hagedorn, E., Jensen, M. & Silberglitt, M. (2014a). A life science concept inventory on genetics/ molecular biology: Assessment development informs teacher pedagogy. Society for Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER), July, Minneapolis, MN. Poster presentation.

Korb, M., Colton, S., Vogt, G & Anderson, D (2014b). Storyboarding for genetics assessments: Alternatives for NGSS. Society for Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER), July, Minneapolis, MN. Poster presentation.

Herman, T. & Korb, M. (2011) Take Two: A Molecular Story of Reprogrammed Stem Cells. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), San Francisco, CA. Workshop.

Herman, T. & Korb, M. (2011) Insulin: A Molecular Story about the Gene, the Protein, the Physiology, and Diabetes. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), San Francisco, CA. Workshop.

Herman, T. & Korb, M. (2011). Standards-Based Active Learning: Protein Structure and Function. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), San Francisco, CA. Workshop.

Korb, M., Colton, S., DeBoer, K. & Herman, T. (2010). Teaching Genetic Flow of Information Using Storyboards, Tactile Curriculum and Physical Models; National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT), November. Minneapolis, MN. Workshop.

Korb, M., DeBoer, K. & Herman, T. (2010). Exploring DNA structure and Function with Inquiry-Based Interactive Physical Models. California Science Teacher Association (CSTA), October. Sacramento, CA. Workshop.

Korb, M., DeBoer, K. & Herman, T. (2010). From Teaching Props to Learning Tools: Exploring the Polar Nature of Water. California Science Teacher Association (CSTA), October. Sacramento, CA. Workshop.

Korb, M. (2010). Bugscope in K-5 Science Classrooms: Building Inquiring Minds. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Poster presentation.

Korb, M. (2007). Teaching and Learning Physical Science in Urban Secondary Schools: Assessing the Assessments. April. American Physics Teacher’s Association in Syracuse, NY. Presentation.

Thakkar, U., Fried, G.A., Grosser, B.A., Robinson, S.J., Weber, D.E., Korb, M., Lee, J.A. (2003). Integrating Remote Scientific Instrumentation in the Curriculum to Support Inquiry: Case Studies in Preservice and Inservice Teacher Education. SITE Technology Convention, TN. Presentation.

Grants: Local and National

(2019-2023). Korb, M. PI, National Science Foundation (NSF) Discovery and Research Grant for K-12 (DRK-12) #1908900 Aligning the Science Teacher Education Pathway (A-STEP): A Networked Improvement Community to address gaps in teacher training. ($3.6 Million award).

(2018-2021) Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) in California; Math and Science teacher residency grant ($100K): partnerships with West Contra Costa and Oakland Unified School districts (2 grants) Korb, M. in-kind work

(2014-2019) Korb, M. PI, National Science Foundation (NSF) Discovery and Research Grant for K-12 (DRK-12) #1418440 Alliance for Science Educators Toolkit (ASET), research and networked improvement community and Next Generation Science Standards toolkit design. ($3 million award). (Co-PI for the first 3 years and assumed PI status after original PI, Dr. Rachelle DiStefano, retired).

(Applied for and granted an extension for a 5th year, 2018-2019, $200,000).

(2013- present) Science Education Liaison for Math and Science Teacher Initiative (MSTI) Program at 澳门资料

(2019-2023) Co-PI – Noyce National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship “Supporting Excellence, Effectiveness & Diversity in STEM Teacher Education” NSF # 1852961 ($ 1.2M)

(2021) (PI, Dr. Karina Garbesi, Co-PIs and researchers – Dr. Michele Korb, Dr. Kathryn Hayes and Dr. Erik Helgren) National Science Foundation, ITEST The Climate Empowerment Learning Initiative: Invigorating STEM Teaching and Learning through a Networked Improvement Community ($1.5M) Pending

(2014-17) Korb, M. Evaluation of Advancing Climate Literacy through Investment in Inservice and Preservice Science Educators (ACLIPSE). (UC, Berkeley, NSF grant) Participant ($13,500)

(2009 – 2012) Korb, M. Co-PI/ lead researcher/ leadership teams for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Math Science Partnership (MSP) grant entitled “San Francisco Bay Integrated Middle School Science Project” (IMSS) ($12.5 million)

(2011-16) Korb, M. CSU- East Bay, Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity (RSCA) Funding Awards (Faculty Support Grants). Using storyboards to promote science literacy in preservice science methods courses and Concept Inventory Development for Middle School Teachers and Learners ($5000 each year)

University Service

(2014-16) University Senate

(2015) , College of Science Dean’s Search Committee

(2015-17) Committee on Grade Appeals Chair

University Honorary Degree Committee

University ILO Subcommittee on Semester Transformation

ILO Subcommittee: Oral Communication Rubric Development,

(Chair, ) Committee on Academic Programs and Review (CAPR)

(2020) CEAS Dean Search Committee

(2014-present) Co-Chair, Advisory Board Institute for STEM Education at CSU East Bay

Teacher Education Department: Student Affairs Committee (2015-19); Faculty Affairs Committee (2014-16, 2018-2021); Faculty Search Committees (2015-16, ); RTP retention and promotion committees (2017-2021)

(2016-2020) Performed Jazz music for staff and faculty recognition ceremonies, 澳门资料


Cal State East Bay Presenter/ Guest Speaking events

(2018-2020) Presentations to the Teaching Assistant and Learning Assistant programs, College of Science.  Promoting the math and science teacher pathway

(2016) Back to the BayAligning Course Objectives and Assessments: Preparing for Semester conversion at 澳门资料.

(2015) Pizza and Pedagogy. Sponsor: Julie Stein, APS.

(2013-2014), Careers in STEM Education. Education Summit for First Generation, African American, Latino, Asian American, Native American and Pacific Islander Students, 澳门资料, East Bay.

(2013). Active and Engaged Learning. Workshop
on Teaching and Learning, Faculty Development.

(2011) Integrating the Curriculum into Science: Interactive Approaches to Science and Math.  Future Math and Science Teacher Scholars Program (FMSTSP) at 澳门资料

(2010) Teaching LARGE Classes: Engaging Students in Meaningful Learning Experiences. 澳门资料–East Bay, Roundtable Discussion and Back to the Bay

(2010) Integrating Science into the Curriculum Day of the Teacher. Concord, CA (CSU- East Bay)

(2015-2016) Martial Arts for Staff and Faculty, 澳门资料 LEEP program


Community Service

(April, 2011- 2021) Judge for the State Science Olympiad Event, “Protein Modeling”

(March, 2011-2021) Judge for the Regional Science Olympiad Event, “Protein Modeling”

(May, 2018) YMCA professional development for after school providers.

(May, 2017) Hayward Unified School District Science Fair, Judge

(2017-18) Faculty Learning Community, CSU East Bay (leaders D. LeDuc and J. Olkin)

(2017) Professional Development, Solano County Office of Education: Designing Cross-curricular lesson in math and science for elementary teachers (Korb, Olkin, McNamara)

(2016) Workshop for Middle School Science Teachers. Integrating Next Generation Science Standards in the middle school classroom: using Ocean Science Literacy as a focus, June 15-16, 2016, Mt. Diablo Unified School District.

(2015-2018) YMCA of the Presidio and Pt. Bonita, Advisory Board

 (2015) External Program Reviewer for San Jose State University Masters in Science Education Program.

(2014-present) Advisory Board member, Hayward Unified School District, Induction

(2011) How to Address the No Child Left Inside Act. Bay Area Environmental Education Resource (BAEER) Fair

(2011) Anchoring Scientific Content, Labs and Activities with Storyboards. CSU, Northridge, Geosciences Department Colloquium.

Professional Recognition

(2018) Project Learning Tree, National outstanding educator of the year.

(2020) California Science Olympiad, Hall of Fame, noting 10 years of service to judging regional and state competitions for the Protein Modeling Event.

2005 – present – Internal Evaluator for NIH (SEPA) grant, "From Bench to Bedside: Molecular Stories of Research-Based Health Care", evaluation of educational practices, design of curriculum and assessment tools for high school science programs related to molecular biology.

2009 – External Evaluator, NSF Grant, Marquette University, "Research Experiences for Undergraduate Sites"

2009-2010 – Secondary External Evaluator, Marquette University, Noyce Scholar Program, will review data each semester and participate in the one day of program evaluation each spring, evaluate curriculum and teacher training.

2009-2012- Participant, UC-Berkeley, Lawrence Hall of Science, GEMS program in Space Science Curriculum for Middle School Teachers; study of curriculum implementation.

Michele Korb, School of Education, Mentor, Summer (2003) “Preservice Elementary Teachers:  Attitudes, Beliefs and Recommendations Regarding Science Education.” Rebecca Climack, Marquette University McNair Scholars Program.