Complaints & Appeals

CSU East Bay strives to maintain a fully accessible, barrier-free environment. Should any student or visitor have any complaints or concerns regarding alleged inaccessibility, discrimination, retaliation, and/or accommodations based on disability, Accessibility Services would appreciate the opportunity to address those concerns with you in the informal manner summarized below. However, you have the right to follow the Formal Complaint Resolution process below at any time.

Rights, Responsibilities & Resources



You have the right to an accessible campus, including all University-related activities and programs, as stated in the .

Additional legislation pertaining to the right to an accessible education can be found in the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, specifically Sections 504 and 508.


Follow established Accessibility Services' policies and procedures for arranging and using accommodations each quarter.

Discuss accommodation needs with your professors and your accessibility counselor before or early into the quarter.

Communicate with your accessibility counselor to resolve any accommodation concerns.


The CSU Chancellor's Office - Policies addressing discrimination and disability rights, including disability discrimination:

The CSU Chancellor's Office - Policy addressing accommodations and support services for students with disabilities: 

The Office for Civil Rights - Federal office under the US Department of Education that enforces civil rights laws including access to education.

Informal Complaint Resolution

Accessibility Services strives to resolve issues of access within our department in a prompt and equitable manner. If at any time you should have any questions or concerns regarding accessibility on campus, you are welcome to make an appointment to speak with the Director of Accessibility Services by calling 510-885-3868 or emailing The Director, or designee, will reply to your complaint within three (3) business days.

Inaccessibility On Campus

If you should come across a barrier on campus that impedes access for people with disabilities, please submit a ticket or a Report of On-Campus Inaccessibility (Word | PDF) to our office. Barriers can include, but are not limited to, physical barriers (i.e., lack of curb cuts, elevators out of service) and electronic barriers (i.e., inaccessible websites, non-captioned videos). Barriers can also be presented by faculty or staff members (i.e., the lack of a universally-designed course, an adverse attitude regarding disabilities, accommodations not provided).

Appealing an Accommodation Decision

During your meeting with your accessibility counselor, you and your counselor will discuss the need for academic accommodations (based on your functional limitations) and create a Determination of Accommodations letter. If you disagree with the accommodations listed on this letter, submit an Accommodation Appeal Form (Word | PDF). The Accessibility Services Director, or designee, will reach out to you in order to address your grievance. If you are not satisfied with the Director's (or designee's) decision, a more formal complaint may be filed.

Formal Complaint Resolution

If at any time you believe your access issue requires a more formal review, you may file a complaint utilizing one or both of the options below. A formal review means your issue will be investigated by the University's Title IX Coordinator, Terri Labeaux. She may be reached at (510) 885-3833 or by email at

Filing a Complaint Due to Discrimination | On-Campus

If you believe you have been discriminated against due to your disability by a member of the campus community, please refer to the University's Title IX complaint procedures and further support resources.

Formal Complaint Resolution | Off-Campus

The , a department within the U.S. Department of Education, ensures compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you feel you have experienced discrimination based on disability, please refer to the .

Accessibility Services will make appropriate arrangements to ensure accommodations, if needed, to access this grievance process. No faculty or staff member of CSU East Bay may intimidate, threaten, coerce, or retaliate against anyone who files a complaint regarding a right enforced by the 澳门资料 Chancellor's Office and , or who cooperates in such an investigation. Anyone who believes that he or she has been intimidated or retaliated against should refer to  and for further guidance.