Finance Policy

Financial Responsibility

A RSO which fails to meet its financial obligations or has a deficit balance with the University will be informed as to the situation. If prompt corrective action is not taken, the organization will lose the privilege of utilizing University facilities and services. Loss of recognition may be the eventual result of continued nonpayment of bills.

All RSOs are expected to be good stewards of organization funds. Organizations should have protocols and procedures to keep track of income and expenses on a regular basis, be transparent and spend funds in an appropriate manner and share this information widely with general membership of the organization. 

Utilization of third-party apps such as Venmo, CashApp, Zelle, etc. are prohibited. Monies can only be received via cash, check, or CASHNet. Students handling cash or check must be Cashier Satellite trained.

Cal State East Bay does not allow Student Organizations to maintain off-campus bank accounts. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis.

Visit the for the most updated Finance Policy.

  • Each RSO is assigned an on-campus account. 
  • Each account is uniquely named, starting with "AS" and ending with three numbers (AS ###). 
  • This account should be used for all business related to the RSO. 
  • Funds in the account belong to the RSO as a whole and not necessarily a person or a cohort within the RSO.
  • The AS account can only be utilized if the RSO has completed recognition and renewal.
  • Utilization of the AS account must be approved by the RSO’s SLIC Staff.
    • This includes pre-approval of items, materials, food, services, etc.
  • All items will be shipped to the SLIC Office, South UU 2011 per campus policies. No items utilizing AS funds can be shipped to a personal address.
  • Gift Cards and alcohol can not be purchased with the AS account.
  • Services such as DJ, photographer, performer must be made aware to the RSO’s SLIC Staff at least 30 days in advance to ensure proper payment to the vendor.
  • Utilization of third-party apps such as Venmo, CashApp, Zelle, etc. are prohibited.
  • All money collected by the RSO should be deposited at the Cashier’s Office as soon as possible into the AS account. 
  • Money should not be kept outside of this account. 
    • This ensures full transparency and assures that RSO’s funds are being used in a manner that's compliant with CSU policies.
  • SLIC Staff can access the balance for the AS accounts however, it’s the RSO’s responsibility to keep a balance sheet.
  • If an RSO has a negative balance at the end of the academic year that is not reconciled, it will put a hold on recognition for the next academic year and the organization may be sanctioned.  
  • If an RSO becomes inactive for 3+ years, the funds in the RSO account will be transferred to Student Leadership and Involvement Center to be used for RSO events and programs.

Failure to comply with any finance policies the organization will be sanctioned by SLIC with possible loss of privileges.

The RSO’s President and Treasurer can access the RSO's balance and account information by contacting the RSO’s SLIC Staff. It is the responsibility of the Presidents and Treasurers to read the policy and educate their members.

RSOs that wish to collect cash for any events need to have officers who are Satellite trained. It is recommended to have the Treasurer, President, and one more officer Satellite trained. The RSOs can have up to three (3) officers trained. To request Satellite Cashier Training contact the appropriate SLIC Staff.

Deposits will be made on a daily basis. (If for any reason a deposit cannot be made, deposits must be kept in a safe or vault for a maximum of one night). Deposits must come to the University Cashier’s Office in a locked bag. An escort is required when transporting deposits over $2,500.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Deposit Slip and fill it out completely
  2. All checks should be made out to 澳门资料, Cal State East Bay, or 澳门资料 East Bay with the RSO’s name in the memo
  3. Take the money/checks along with the deposit slip to the University Cashier (first floor, SA building)
  4. Obtain a receipt from the University Cashier 

Recognized student RSOs have the privileges to utilize to collect card payments online for membership dues, fundraisers, etc. Payments made will go directly into the RSO AS account. The President or Treasurer can request the list of information and purchases made. To get a RSO page set up, contact the appropriate SLIC Staff.

Student Org Event Funding

In an effort to enhance campus life, Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) of CSU East Bay allocates a budget to support Recognized Student Organizations by funding their events and programs that contribute to the cultural, educational, recreational, and physical well-being of all 澳门资料 students. Visit the ASI Student Club Funding website for more information. 

The ASI Student Club and Organizations Funding Request Form can be located in BaySync under the Forms tab. ASI Club Funding must be submitted 31 days prior to the start of the event date. ASI Club Funding is available until budget has been exhausted for the semester. More information about the ASI Student Clubs and Organizations Funding Policy can be found here.

Seed Funding

Associated Students Inc. (ASI) has long been working in favor of Recognized Student Organizations of CSU East Bay. In an effort to empower the establishment of new organizations on campus, ASI provides startup funding for such organizations. This application form is for a one-time funding of newly recognized RSOs on campus. This start-up money can be up to the amount of $300 and  may be used for establishing, organizing, and promoting new RSOs. 

The Seed Funding Request Form can be located in BaySync under the Forms tab. ASI Seed Funding is available until budget has been exhausted for the semester. More information about the Seed Funding policy can be found here.

Contact the ASI Vice President of Finance/CFO at for any questions about the policy or to receive help filling out the request form.

RSO officers can access money in the RSO's account to use on any RSO events. The RSO can purchase food, supplies, or decorations (under $500), through a cash advance or a cash reimbursement. A cash advance is the act of withdrawing from the RSO’s AS account prior to making a purchase. All excess cash after making all the necessary purchases will need to be returned to the RSO’s AS account by making a deposit at the University Cashier. A cash reimbursement is when purchases are made with a RSO officer’s own personal money and with the expectation of being paid back out of the RSO's AS account.

This process cannot be used to pay for guest speakers, services (printing, photographer, DJ, etc.), or transactions that are over $500 regardless of the type of transaction. No cash can ever be handed to a guest speaker/performer/DJ as payment for a student club event. If the guest speaker has a set speaker fee, please request an invoice from the person. A Short-Term Limited Scope form and a Vendor Data Record will need to be completed by the guest speaker for any fee up to $5,000. If the fee is higher than that, then SLIC will need to create a requisition for a purchase order to cover the cost.

To do a cash advance/reimbursement, follow the steps below.

  1. Submit the RSO’s event in BaySync to obtain approval from the SLIC Staff.
  2. Once the event is approved on BaySync, complete the .
  3. You will receive an AdobeSign via email to complete and submit.
  4. The AdobeSign will be routed to the Student Leadership and Involvement Center staff and the University Club Finance Coordinator to sign.
    1. If the request is for a cash advance, the student will sign that they are aware the original receipts are to be returned within two business days of the event.
  5. Proceed to University Cashier (first floor of SA) to receive funds.
FOR CASH ADVANCES - Return original receipts to University Club Finance Coordinator within two business days of the event. 

FOR CASH REIMBURSEMENTS - Original receipts must be submitted along with the AdobeSign within two weeks of the event.

Note: Original receipts must show items, quantity, prices, total, date, and payment type.

Cash and/or debit/credit card payments are reimbursable transactions. All other payment methods (giftcards, EBT, etc.) are not reimbursable. If you have questions about other payments, talk with your SLIC Staff for pre-approved prior to purchasing. AS RSO funds cannot be used for alcohol, tobacco, or gift card purchases.

Only officers that have completed the Officer Training are authorized by the organization to have access to the RSO’s on-campus bank account. Money collected in the name of the RSO must be maintained in a bank account of the university. Any exceptions to this requirement [e.g., national affiliated organizations or local organizations with a separate 501(c)(3) status] must be approved by the campus CFO or designee. At no time shall a RSO deposit funds into an unauthorized bank account.

SLIC Staff have a procurement card (p-card) specific for RSO purchases. It is primarily used for conference registrations, national membership dues, and other company purchases (e.g. Amazon, Etsy, Target, etc.) depending on the items and vendors. This method of purchase is encouraged to avoid members paying out of pocket.

To do a (NON-RESTAURANT) Procurement Card Purchase, follow the steps below.

  1. Submit the RSO’s event in BaySync to obtain approval from the SLIC Staff.
  2. Email the RSO’s SLIC Staff, the information of items:
    1. Website of items to be purchased
    2. Name of item or direct link if possible
    3. Quantity
    4. Price
    5. Any other information needed
  3. Once the SLIC Staff confirm the funds in the AS account then they will be able to purchase the items. An email will be sent once the items have been ordered.
  4. All items will be shipped to the SLIC Office, South University Union 2011 per campus policies. No items purchased with AS funds can be shipped to a personal address.
  5. When items arrive, SLIC will email the organization that items are ready to be picked up. If items are not picked up after the academic year, they may be donated. SLIC is not able to house RSO items. 

To do a (RESTAURANT) Procurement Card Purchase, follow the steps below.

  1. Submit the RSO’s event in BaySync to obtain approval from the SLIC Staff.
  2. Email the RSO’s SLIC Staff, the information of items:
    1. Restaurant and location of restaurant
    2. Name of food and drink items
    3. Quantity
    4. Price
    5. Pick up person (must be a RSO member)
    6. Date and time of pick up
  3. Once the SLIC Staff confirm the funds in the AS account then they will be able to place the order. An email confirmation with receipt will be sent once the items have been ordered.
  4. If you need to make changes to an order, you must notify SLIC a minimum of 7 days prior to the pick up date.
  5. It is the responsibility of the RSO to pick up the items/order. SLIC is not responsible for any orders not picked up/reimbursements if not picked up.

Short Term Limited Scope is used to pay individuals, such as speakers, photographers, DJs, artists, etc. This is a process administered through AdobeSign. Any payments to individuals providing a service for the RSO must be conducted via an STLS. RSOs must contact their SLIC Staff at least 6 weeks prior to the expected event/service date for this to be processed.

To do a Short Term Limited Scope (STLS), follow the steps below.

  1. Submit the RSO’s event in BaySync to obtain approval from the SLIC Staff.
  2. Set up a meeting via zoom or in person with SLIC Staff 6 weeks prior to the event/service date.
  3. RSO must obtain an invoice from the individual, the invoice must include
    1. Government name of individual providing the service
    2. Type of service
    3. Date of service
    4. Cost of service
  4. Once the invoice has been received, SLIC will send a Vendor Data Form (VDR) via AdobeSign to the vendor which the individual must fill out to proceed with the process of approval. 
  5. Once the VDR and invoice have been filled out completely then the STLS is routed to Accounting for final approval. 
  6. SLIC Staff will confirm STLS has been processed.
  7. Payment to the vendor will not be received until services have been rendered.

RSOs looking to pay for any services, travel (conference related expenses), or transactions over $500, should contact the appropriate SLIC Staff at least six weeks prior to the anticipated date of event/travel. Failure to do so could lead to denial of the event/travel.

To do a Transaction over $500 for Services and Travel, follow the steps below.

  1. Submit the RSO’s event in BaySync to obtain approval from the SLIC Staff.
  2. Set up a meeting via zoom or in person with SLIC Staff 6 weeks prior to the event/service date.

Check requests can be used for funds currently in a RSO’s AS account. These are for purchases/items/services between $500 and $1,000.

To do a Check Request, follow the steps below.

  1. Submit the RSO’s event in BaySync to obtain approval from the SLIC Staff.
  2. Set up a meeting via zoom or in person with SLIC Staff 6 weeks prior to the event/service date.

A purchase order (P.O.) is required for purchases over $1,000 or rental services with vendors. RSO are not permitted to sign any contracts or agreements with vendors. RSO must contact their SLIC Staff at least 6 weeks prior to the expected event/service date for this to be processed.

This process can be used to pay for guest speakers, services (printing, photographer, DJ, etc.). No cash can ever be handed to a guest speaker/performer/DJ as payment for a student club event. If the guest speaker has a set speaker fee, you must request an official invoice from the vendor. A Vendor Data Record (VDR) will need to be completed by the vendor.

To do a Major Purchase Over $1,000, follow the steps below.

  1. Submit the RSO’s event in BaySync to obtain approval from the SLIC Staff.
  2. Set up a meeting via zoom or in person with SLIC Staff 6 weeks prior to the event/service date.
  3. RSO must obtain an invoice from the individual, the invoice must include:
    1. Government name of individual providing the service
    2. Type of service
    3. Date of service
    4. Cost of service
  4. Once the invoice has been received, SLIC will send a Vendor Data Form (VDR) via AdobeSign to the vendor which the individual must fill out to proceed with the process of approval. 
  5. Once the VDR and official invoice have been filled out completely then the Purchase Order (P.O.) is routed to Procurement/Accounting for final approval. 
  6. SLIC Staff will confirm the P.O. has been processed.
  7. Payment to the vendor will not be received until services have been rendered.