Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Definitions

Updated on July 2, 2010

This listing is provided in part through information found at: . Not all terms apply to all programs.

  • AB - Assembly Bill: Official legislation passed by this branch of the State of California.
  • AB 1059 - Assembly Bill 1059: Teacher candidates are required to demonstrate knowledge and skills in teaching students who are English learners.
  • Accredited Institution: An accredited institution is a college or university that has been deemed to meet the standards of one of the regional accrediting bodies such as WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges).
  • APGS - Office of Academic Programs and Graduate Studies: The official unit that oversees adult programs, post-baccalaureate and graduate programs at 澳门资料, East Bay. Admissions inquiries to the credential programs often come from APGS recruitment events in which credential program graduate coordinators participate as recruiters.
  • Application Form 41-4: The application used to request the initial issuance, renewal or reissuance of a credential, permit, or certificate issued by the Commission.
  • Authorization: The authorization(s) listed on a credential, certificate, permit, or waiver describe the authority of an individual to serve in a particular subject or subject area(s), and in a setting and at a grade level also listed on the document. The authorization statement provides the specifics for the authorization.
  • BCLAD - Bilingual Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development: An authorization to provide specialized instruction to individuals for whom English is a second language.
  • Blended Program of Teacher Preparation: A blended program of professional teacher preparation combines subject matter preparation and pedagogical preparation within a carefully-planned and concurrent sequence of coursework and fieldwork in accordance with the SB 2042 program standards. A candidate who completes an accredited blended program has met the subject-matter requirement and the professional preparation requirements for a preliminary teaching credential.
  • BPEP - Bachelors Plus Early Pathway: An undergraduate academic track that allows a student to complete both the undergraduate major and a teaching credential in four years plus two summers. BPEP is offered for the Multiple Subject (MS) Teaching Credential (formerly known as Blended Program) or Single Subject (SS) Teaching Credential. Students choose BPEP MS or BPEP SS.
  • BSR - Basic Skills Requirement: A state requirement for all credential documents.
  • BTSA - Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment: This is the acronym for California Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment Program. BTSA is a state-funded program designed to support the induction and professional development of beginning teachers and satisfy the requirements for the Professional Clear Credential. see also Induction.
  • BTTP: Bilingual Teacher Training Programs
  • CA - Credential Analyst: The staff person authorized to review credential documents issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
  • CA TPA: California Teaching Performance Assessment
  • CBEST - California Basic Educational Skills: CBEST is a national standardized written test of basic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics that credential candidates must take and pass for program entry.
  • CDB - Credential Database: This refers to the unofficial name of the proposed credential database used by the Credential Student Service Center.
  • CDE: California Department of Education
  • CDS: County-District-School Coding System
  • CE - Certificate of Eligibility: The Certificate of Eligibility is a document issued to individuals who have completed a program for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential or the Preliminary Level I Education Specialist Credential, but who are not currently employed. Certificates of Eligibility allow the holder to seek employment in his/her area of certification.
  • CEAS: College of Education and Allied Studies
  • Charter School: A public school covering grades K-12 which is organized by a group of teachers, community members, parents, or others and sponsored by an existing local public school board or a county board of education.
  • CIA - Credential Information Alert: Official notice to credentialing personnel, issued by CTC, and usually states procedures or updates to credentialing policy.
  • CIC: Character Identification Clearance. See also COC
  • CIG: Credential Information Guide
  • CL-855: Verification of Unavailability of a Commission-Approved Induction Program form.
  • CLAD - Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development: The CLAD is an authorization to provide specialized instruction to students for whom English is a second language.
  • CLASS: College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences
  • Clear Credential: A Clear Credential is a teaching credential with no further academic requirements to be completed.
  • COA - Committee on Accreditation: A twelve-member standing committee appointed by the Commission that has the responsibility of determining whether teacher preparation institutions and programs meet the standards for initial and continuing accreditation that have been adopted by the Commission.
  • COC - Certificate of Clearance: The Certificate of Clearance is a document issued by the Commission to an individual whose moral and professional fitness has been shown to meet the standards as established by law.
  • COE: County Office of Education
  • Coded Correspondence: Coded Correspondence refers to official CTC correspondence distributed through CTC E-News and published on the Commission’s website. Coded Correspondence typically notifies the public and interested parties of pending changes or implementation of changes in regulations, policies and procedures.
  • Common Standards: The Common Standards relate to aspects of educator preparation program quality that are the same for all programs.
  • Completion Date of Program: The date that the final requirement in an approved program is met as determined by the recommending agency.
  • Computer Education: Computer Education referred to one or more courses completed by teacher candidates that included instruction in skills incorporating the use of computer technology in the K-12 classroom and curriculum.
  • CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: All candidates for a credential are required to have training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation that covers infant, child, and adult CPR skills.
  • CRS: Clinical Rehabilitative Services. This credential is now referred to as the Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) Services Credential.
  • CSCI: College of Science
  • CSD: The name of the CLASS department that offers courses and training leading to the Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) Services Credential in addition to the master's in Speech-Language Pathology.
  • CSET - California Subject Examination for Teachers: CSET examinations are standardized subject matter examinations required of multiple subject candidates and that may also be taken by single subject candidates to demonstrate the candidate’s subject matter competency.
  • CSSC - Credential Student Service Center: The official unit that makes credential recommendations to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. The Credential Analyst II in CSSC is the authorized personnel to make recommendations.
  • CSU - 澳门资料: Official name of one of the state university systems.澳门资料 - 澳门资料, East Bay:The official name of the university. There are two campuses: Hayward Hills (main campus in Alameda County) and the Concord Campus (located in Contra Costa County).
  • CTC - Commission on Teacher Credentialing: The official state entity granted the authority to issue credential documents in the state of California.
  • CTEL - California Teachers of English Learners: An authorization to provide specialized instruction to individuals for whom English is a second language. CTEL replaces the CLAD which has the same authorization.
  • DCIE - Division of Continuing and International Education: Refers to the 澳门资料 division that offers designated credential programs and courses related to credential programs such as the remediation courses for the Teaching Performance Assessments (TPA) for teaching credential candidates. One example of a program run through DCIE is the Professional Administrative Services Credential Program. For admissions requirements for the credential program or to find out which courses are offered through DCIE, contact the respective department.
  • DEL: Department of Educational Leadership: Also referred to as EDLD.
  • Dependent Credential: A Dependent Credential may only be issued to individuals who already hold another type of credential. Examples of dependent credentials include Administrative Services Credentials and the Reading/Language Arts Specialist Credential.
  • DPP: Division of Professional Practices: A division at the Commission.
  • EDLD - Educational Leadership Department: The name of the CEAS department that offers courses and training leading to the administrative services credentials in addition to the master’s and doctorate degree in educational leadership. See also DEL.
  • Education Code: The California Education Code (EC) lists the statutes passed by the State Legislature and signed into law by the Governor.
  • Education Specialist Instruction Credential: The Education Specialist Instruction Credential authorizes the holder to teach in two areas of specialization: Mild/Moderate Disabilities and Moderate/Severe Disabilities.
  • EL - English Learner: English learners are students with a primary language other than English who have not yet attained full proficiency in English. Replaces ELL English Language Learner – which replaced LEP
  • Emergency Permit (Long-Term): A long-term Emergency Permit may be issued at the request of an employing school district, county office of education, charter school, or state agency in order to fill a temporary staffing vacancy or need.
  • Emphasis on a Credential: An emphasis is area of specialization within a credential program which may be added to a Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Credential based on completion of a specialized program.
  • English Language Skills, including Reading: This terminology refers to comprehensive reading instruction that includes the systematic study of phonemic awareness, phonics and decoding; literature, language and comprehension; and diagnostic and early intervention techniques.
  • EPSY: The name of the CEAS department that offers courses and training leading to the special education and pupil personnel services credentials in addition to the master's in these areas.
  • ERST: Enrollment Reporting System - Teachers
  • Expiration Date (listed on the document): The last day a document is valid.
  • Fieldwork Experience: Student participation in program activity which takes place in a K-12 setting, but during which the candidate does not assume responsibility for daily student teaching. These are experiences in a professional preparation program that expose credential candidates to a variety of instructional activities.
  • Fifth Year of Study: Completing a Fifth Year of Study is one way to earn a Professional Clear Multiple Subject or Single Subject Teaching Credential.
  • Foreign Transcript Evaluation: Individuals who have completed college or university course work at an institution outside of the United States must obtain a complete evaluation of their foreign transcripts, degrees, and other documents prior to submitting them to CTC for review, if the course work is being used to meet credential requirements, even if the course work has been accepted by a college or university within the United States.
  • Health Education: All teacher candidates are required to have preparation in the area of health education, including but not limited to training in CPR for infants, children, and adults, nutrition and the effects of alcohol, drug and tobacco abuse.
  • Highly Qualified Teacher: Defined by NCLB as a teacher that is fully credentialed and meets subject matter requirements.
  • IHE - Institution of Higher Education: Colleges and universities.
  • Induction: This is an integrated, standards-based system of beginning teacher support and assessment that provides an effective transition into teaching for first and second year teachers in California. All beginning teachers in the public schools are required to participate in induction as a requirement for earning a clear credential unless induction is certified by the employer as not being available. See also BTSA.
  • Internship Programs: An internship program allows credential candidates who have a bachelor’s degree and subject matter competency to be employed in a classroom while completing a credential program.
  • LEA - Local Education Agency: An LEA is a local entity involved in education such as a school district, county office of education, or Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA).
  • Level I and Level II Credentials: Level I and Level II Credentials are issued based on a two-tier structure of completing credential requirements used for the Education Specialist Instruction Teaching Credentials, Administrative Services Credentials, and the Designated Subjects Adult and Vocational Teaching Credentials.
  • Livescan Print: Livescan is a process by which an individual's fingerprints are electronically scanned, the fingerprint information digitized, and the fingerprint images printed on a transmission that is electronically submitted to the Department of Justice. Livescan clearance is required before candidates may begin field placement as a student teacher or intern.
  • LSH: Speech-Language Pathology Services authorization
  • M/M - Mild/Moderate Disability: Special Education term
  • MOU - Memorandum of Understanding: The official agreement between 澳门资料 and the school district or hiring agency that acknowledges that a university intern candidate will be supported and does not displace a certificated employee.
  • M/S - Moderate/Severe Disabilities: Special Education term
  • MS - Multiple Subject Credential: This credential authorizes teaching all subjects in a self-contained K-12 classroom, usually at the elementary level. The credential also authorizes teaching in a core or team teaching setting, typically in middle school in grades five through eight, and also team teaching, which is usually found in elementary and middle schools.
  • MSAT - Multiple Subjects Assessment for Teachers: The MSAT is an examination used to demonstrate the candidate’s subject matter knowledge as required to hold a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. This examination was replaced by the CSET-MS on January 25, 2003.
  • My澳门资料: Refers to the web-based student and employee self-service system where individuals can access academic, billing, and contact information among other resources. A valid NetID and password is required to access the My澳门资料 account.
  • NCATE - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education: One of two nationally recognized accrediting bodies for teacher education. NCATE has an agreement with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing that allows institutions of higher education to participate in merged NCATE-CTC accreditation visits.
  • NCLB - No Child Left Behind: The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 and expands on major reforms, particularly in the areas of state academic standards, assessment, accountability, and school improvement. This federal law requires states to develop assessments linked to these standards for all students.
  • Non-Special Education Pedagogy: Candidates for the for the Education Specialist Instruction Credential are required to have coursework in curriculum and instruction or methods for teaching elementary or secondary classroom subjects like math, science, social science, etc.
  • NPS - Non-Public Schools: The category of employing agencies that are not publicly funded entities although credential candidates may be eligible to earn their credential through verification of employment with an accredited NPS.
  • OOS - Out of State: The term used to designate a candidate that completed the teacher preparation courses outside of California.
  • Open University: Refers to the 澳门资料 based program that allows students to take individual Cal State East Bay undergraduate and graduate classes, on a space-available basis, without the formal university admissions process. This option is popular for those wishing to complete credential courses for college credit for salary purposes.
  • OTE: Other Than English
  • OTF: Oakland Teaching Fellows
  • PC - Professional Clear: Old term designated for the second level of a credential document, typically issued based on the completion of specific courses at the advanced level. The new official term is Clear (removal of the word 'professional').
  • PEMSA - Planning, Enrollment, Management, and Student Affairs: The official unit at 澳门资料, East Bay that is responsible for the recording-keeping of official student records. PEM subunits include undergraduate and graduate admissions, international admissions, financial aid, records, enrollment, registration, research and assessment, academic scheduling, and enrollment development. This division was formerly known as PEM.
  • PeopleSoft: Refers to the official student administration system used at 澳门资料, East Bay. It is also used in other areas at 澳门资料 including Human Resources and Payroll. This is a campus solutions product created by Oracle Corporation.
  • PIP: Provisional Internship Permits
  • PPD: Professional Practices Division
  • PPS - Pupil Personnel Services: A services credential authorizing an individual to function in the following areas in the California public schools: School Psychology, School Counseling, School Social Work and Child Welfare and Attendance.
  • PRAXIS - Praxis Examination Series: The Praxis Examinations are a series of examinations administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) which may be used to meet specific credentialing requirements.
  • Preliminary Credentials: A Preliminary Credential is a teaching or service credential that is valid for five years. Preliminary credentials require the holder to complete a bachelor's degree, an approved educator preparation program, CBEST, subject matter competence, and additional specific requirements.
  • Prerequisite Credentials: A prerequisite credential is the document that an applicant must hold or qualify for in order to submit an application for a dependent credential. Some specialist and services credentials are dependent in that they require a prerequisite credential. The statutes or regulations for each dependent credential specify which credential(s) may serve as prerequisites.
  • Professional Clear Services Credential: The Professional Clear Services Credential is a document issued to individuals who qualify for their initial services clear credential after August 31, 1985.
  • Professional Clear Teaching Credential: The Professional Clear Teaching Credential is a document issued to individuals who qualify for either: 1) an initial Ryan Multiple or Single Subject clear basic teaching credential after August 31, 1985 and who verify completion of a fifth year of study, health education, special populations, and computer education requirements; or 2) an initial SB 2042 Multiple or Single Subject clear basic teaching credential and who verify completion of either an approved induction program or a fifth year of study and advanced course work in health education, special populations, and computer technology.
  • Professional Teacher Preparation Program: A Professional Teacher Preparation Program is a program that includes a planned set of pedagogical courses and supervised teaching experiences that meets the Commission’s adopted program standards and that has been accredited by the CTC.
  • PTTP - Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program: There is a cohort of paraeducators from the Alameda County Office of Education who are part of the ACOE PTTP program and enrolled in TED.
  • Reading Certificate: The Reading Certificate authorizes the holder to assess student reading and to provide instruction in response to the assessment. The holder is also authorized to develop, implement, and adapt the reading and content curriculum, and to assist classroom teachers in these areas.
  • RICA - Reading Instruction Competence Assessment: The RICA examination tests Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and Education Specialist Instruction Credential candidates' competence in the teaching of reading
  • RSP: Resource Specialist Program
  • SB: Senate Bill
  • SB 2042 Credential: The term "SB 2042 Credential" is used for multiple subject and single subject credentials issued under the statutes of Senate Bill 2042 (Alpert/Mazzoni), beginning in 2003. An SB 2042 credential may only be initially issued as a preliminary credential, and holders must complete additional requirements (including induction where available) to qualify for the professional clear credential.
  • SBE: State Board of Education
  • SDAIE: Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English
  • SDC: Special Day Class
  • Services Credential: A credential that authorizes an individual to provide services in the California public schools.
  • SLLA: School Leaders Licensure Assessment (exam)
  • SLP: Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) Services Credential
  • SLPS - Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential: SC8 2 year Preliminary and SC8 5 year Clear. See also SLP or CRS.
  • Special Populations: The term "special populations" refers to students with disabilities, students on behavior plans, and gifted and talented students in the general education classroom.
  • Specialist Instruction Teaching Credential: An additional authorization that one may earn after holding a basic teaching credential. A Specialist Teaching Credential may be earned in Reading and Language Arts.
  • SPED: Special Education, may be used to refer to the department or program.
  • SS - Single Subject Credential: A single subject teaching credential authorizes teaching a specific subject in a departmentalized K-12 classroom, typically at the middle or secondary level
  • SSAT - Single Subject Assessment for Teachers: An approved test for subject matter verification for single subject candidates. This exam has been replaced by California Subject Examination for Teachers.
  • STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
  • STSP: Short-Term Staff Permit
  • Student Teaching: Student teaching encompasses experiences within a professional teacher preparation program that provide credential candidates with a variety of instructional activities within the school setting. Student teaching must include a specified period of time during which the candidate has whole-class instructional responsibility.
  • Subject Matter Authorizations: A Specific Subject Matter Authorization authorizes the holder to teach the specific subject in grades preschool, K-12, and classes organized primarily for adults.
  • Subject Matter Competence: Candidates for a teaching credential are required by statute to demonstrate knowledge of subject matter by either completing a program of subject matter study that meets standards of program quality adopted by the Commission (optional for secondary candidates only) or by passing a subject matter examination adopted by the Commission (required of all multiple subjects candidates and optional for secondary candidates).
  • Subject Matter Examination: A subject matter examination is a comprehensive test of subject matter knowledge that has been approved by the CTC.
  • Subject Matter Program: One of the two methods that a prospective single subject teacher may satisfy the subject matter requirement.
  • Supervised Field Experience in General Education: Candidates for the Preliminary Level I Education Specialist Instruction Credential must have experience with regular, non-special education students.
  • TaskStream: A fee-based web portal used in various courses to store key assignments, teaching performance assessments, and other course-specific requirements. For more details about how or if TaskStream (TS) will be used in a course, see the instructor.
  • TCC - Temporary County Certificate: A TCC is a temporary certificate issued by the employing county office of education that authorizes employment and/or salary payment to employees whose credential applications are being processed by the Commission.
  • Teaching Credential: A Teaching Credential authorizes an individual to teach in the California public schools. Each credential authorization specifies the subject matter and settings where the individual is eligible to teach.
  • TED: Teacher Education Department
  • TEDSPED: Refers to the dual credential program track that results in both a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and a Special Education Credential.
  • Term of a Credential: The term of a credential represents the period of validity of a credential.
  • TFA: Teach For America
  • TFE - Teaching Foundations Examinations: The TFE is a written exam administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) that allows individuals to demonstrate their knowledge of basic teaching foundations to satisfy the required education courses in a teacher preparation program.
  • Title 5: The term "Title 5" refers to specific sections of the California Administrative Code of Regulations pertaining to education. The purpose of Title 5 regulations is to implement the California Education Code.
  • Title II - Federal Law: Title II of the 1998 federal Higher Education Reauthorization Act contains many provisions affecting higher education including federal grant programs that support efforts to improve the recruitment, preparation, and support of new teachers.
  • Title VII: Title VII for English learners
  • TPA - Teaching Performance Assessment: The TPA is a performance-based assessment based on the Teaching Performance Expectations that all multiple subject and single subject teacher candidates are required to pass in order to qualify for an SB 2042 preliminary teaching credential.
  • TPE - Teaching Performance Expectations: The Teaching Performance Expectations represent the range of knowledge, skills and abilities that beginning teachers should know and be able to demonstrate.
  • TTO: Teach Tomorrow in Oakland
  • TTO - Transition To Teaching: Refers to the state-funded program that provides alternative certification tracks for non-credentialed individuals who are already working in K-12 classrooms to complete a professional preparation program to earn their teaching credential. Various TTT programs exist within 澳门资料's partners including Alameda County Office of Education and Oakland Unified School District.
  • WASC - Western Association of Schools and Colleges: One of six regional accrediting bodies.
  • WES - World Evaluation Services: One of the approved agencies that may perform a foreign transcript evaluation for a credential applicant.