Ways To Give

Thank you for considering a gift to Cal State East Bay. You have a choice in how you make a gift to the university. By providing numerous options for your investment in the university, you can pick the method that best fits your needs. From monetary gifts to bequests, we offer a full array of opportunities for you to participate in creating a superior educational environment for the diverse students we serve. University representatives are available to assist you in navigating the many giving options and structuring a gift that is right for you.

Your gift will have the greatest impact when you support Cal State East Bay in the simplest and most direct way — a monetary gift to the university. The university accepts cash, check or credit card (MasterCard, VISA, AMEX and Discover) either through our secure online Web site, mail or fax.


To make an online gift, visit our secure website via the give page.


If you prefer to send your gift via regular mail, please make your check or money order payable to Cal State East Bay Educational Foundation, and then send it, along with your completed gift form to:

Cal State East Bay Educational Foundation
澳门资料 East Bay, University Advancement
25800 Carlos Bee Boulevard
Hayward, CA 94542-3000


Should you wish to fax your gift to Cal State East Bay, fill out the Cal State East Bay gift form and fax it to (510) 885-4691.

The university is delighted to assist those interested in bequeathing their estates to benefit Cal State East Bay. A planned gift may enable you to make a more considerable contribution than you thought possible while at the same time allowing you to achieve your financial, philanthropic and estate planning goals. Our development team can answer any questions, guide you through a variety of options, and provide you with information on how to include Cal State East Bay in your estate plans. To learn more, contact Fern Tyler at fern.tyler@csueastbay.edu, 510-885-2433 or Andrea Rouah at andrea.rouah@csueastbay.edu, 510-885-2426.


Donors who would like to bequeath their estates to benefit Cal State East Bay can do so by stating their intentions in their wills and living trusts. A planned gift may enable you to make a more significant contribution than you thought possible, while at the same time allowing you to achieve your financial, philanthropic and estate planning goals. All bequests to the university must be made in favor of the Cal State East Bay Educational Foundation.

The following sample language can be utilized by your estate planning advisor to create your bequest gift for Cal State East Bay:

For an outright gift:

"I give, devise and bequeath to The Cal State East Bay Educational Foundation, a non-profit public benefit corporation located in, Hayward, California, the sum of $_______ (or property herein described), for the benefit of (specify college, department, unit or program) of 澳门资料, East Bay."

For a named endowment:

"I give, devise and bequeath to The Cal State East Bay Educational Foundation, a non-profit public benefit corporation located in Hayward, California, the sum of $_______ (or property herein described), to establish a permanent endowment called the (insert donor's name). This fund shall be held in perpetuity and only the income from this endowment will be made available to provide ongoing support to the (specify college, department, unit or program) of 澳门资料, East Bay."

Memorial and Honorary Gifts

A memorial gift can help perpetuate the values and ideals that guided someone’s life. Honorary gifts commemorate a significant event or someone who is still living. Either the family of the memorialized, the honoree, or any person the donor wishes to notify of the gift will receive a beautiful recognition card; the amount, however, remains a confidential matter. As always, the donor will receive a gift receipt acknowledging his or her generosity for tax records. If you are interested in making a memorial or honorary gift, please make certain to provide the appropriate information when you make or submit your gift. Please know that beyond the important action of honoring a person significant to you, your fitting tribute that assists the university in providing a superior educational experience for generations to come.

Real Estate Gifts

Real estate, either in its entirety or in part, may be deeded to Cal State East Bay Educational Foundation to benefit the university. For residential properties, it is possible to arrange a sizable tax deduction by deeding a home to Cal State East Bay while continuing to occupy the property for life.

Real estate gifts to Cal State East Bay can be structured in many different ways. Scroll down to read about:

Outright Gifts

A gift of real estate is a tax-wise method of providing support for Cal State East Bay because of the two-fold tax savings. A residence, summer home, commercial property or vacant land may have appreciated in value to the extent that its sale would result in a sizable tax on the gain. If given outright to Cal State East Bay you can avoid this tax and realize a charitable deduction for the full fair market value. The property gift can also shelter your estate from future taxes.

Retained Life Estate

An owner of a personal residence or land may give the property to Cal State East Bay while retaining the right to occupy the home or land. This gift vehicle provides an income tax deduction for the present value of the remainder interest.

Charitable Gift Annuities

Donors may transfer money, securities or real estate to the university and receive income for themselves or a designated person for life. Donors may receive immediate tax benefits with Cal State East Bay ultimately receiving the remainder of the property. 

Charitable Remainder Trust

A charitable remainder trust is a life income arrangement that enables you to convert appreciated real estate into an income stream through an irrevocable gift of the property. Once in the trust, the property can be sold tax-free and reinvested into a diversified portfolio. As a result, the full fair market value of the donated property is available to provide income during your lifetime, while also generating an income tax deduction equal to the present value of your future gift.

Gifts of securities are recorded based on the market value of the stock, bond, or mutual fund on the date of gift, which is determined by the date the donor relinquishes control of the asset. Securities transactions are most easily handled if made through the Cal State East Bay Educational Foundation. Financial institutions provide minimal information on securities transfers, so to ensure proper disposition of the gifts, donors should alert the university that a securities transfer has been made by notifying Fern Tyler at fern.tyler@csueastbay.edu. Please be prepared to provide the university with the following information:

  1. Number of shares;
  2. Type of shares (company name);
  3. Broker handling transfer for donor (name and contact info);
  4. Expected date of transfer;
  5. Confirmation that your broker has labeled the transfer with your name.

Gifts of appreciated securities are tax deductible at their full market value to the extent allowed by law.

The best way to double, or even triple, your gift to Cal State East Bay is to request a matching gift from your employer. Thousands of companies nationwide currently support their communities with matching gifts to organizations and institutions that are important to their employees. Remember that with matching gifts you receive full credit for the purposes of recognition and benefits. For receipting and tax reasons, the matched portion of your gift must be reported on the corporation’s record. Contact your Human Resources Department to find out if your company offers a matching gift program and submit the required forms. For more information, please contact Fern Tyler, Advancement Services Manager at 510-885-2433, or e-mail giving@csueastbay.edu.
Cal State East Bay gratefully accepts a wide variety of non-cash, material donations that support the academic mission of the university. Gifts of tangible personal property — for example, equipment, artwork, manuscripts, books, or other items of value — that are donated for related educations purposes are recorded at their fair market value. The IRS and the university require that gifts-in-kind valued at more than $5,000 also have an independent appraisal provided by the donor. If you are interested in making a gift-in-kind to Cal State East Bay, please contact Fern Tyler, Advancement Services Manager at 510-885-2433, or email giving@csueastbay.edu.
A pledge is a statement of intention that gives you broad flexibility on when and how much you give. It allows you to donate to the university through installments or defer the bulk of your contribution to a future date. To find out more about pledges, please contact Fern Tyler, Advancement Services Manager at 510-885-2433, or email giving@csueastbay.edu.