Health Care Administration Curriculum Overview

Program Overview

The MS-HCA program has been completely revised from a quarter-based program to a semester-based program, effective Fall 18.  The new program requires the completion of seven four-unit graduate courses and one six-unit graduate course, for a total of thirty-four semester units.  Each semester is 15 weeks long and we offer courses in the Fall and Spring semesters only.  We do not accept transfer or substitution courses for any of the eight required courses.  You must maintain an overall GPA of 3.00 (B average) or better in the program, and earn a grade of C or better in all courses. 

The required courses and their individual units are:

Course # and (Units) Course Title

HCA 611 (4) Evolution of the U.S. Health Care System, Health Disparities, and Policy
HCA 612 (4) Health Care Management, leadership, and Strategic Planning
HCA 621 (4) Health Care Quality Improvement Tools and Methodologies
HCA 622 (4) Health Care Technology and Informatics
HCA 631 (4) Health Care Financial Management and Third-Party Reimbursement
HCA 641 (4) Health Care Legal, Diversity, and Ethical Issues
HCA 642 (4) Health Care Program Development and Grant Writing
HCA 693 (6) Capstone Project


Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

The Health Care Leadership Alliance (HLA), a consortium of the major health care professional associations, has identified five competency domains in which all health care administrators and managers should have proficiency for workplace effectiveness: communication and relationship management, leadership, professionalism, knowledge of the health care environment, and business skills and knowledge. These competency domains serve as the basis of the MS-HCA program’s six program learning outcomes.

Students graduating with a M.S. in Health Care Administration from 澳门资料 will be able to:

  1. Analyze and think critically about current and emerging issues in the health care system and the policy environment in which the system operates. (PLO 1)
  2. Communicate effectively with internal and external organizational stakeholders, both in written and oral form.  (PLO 2)
  3. Form collaborative relationships and interact appropriately with diverse client groups, workplace supervisors and colleagues, and other organizational stakeholders. (PLO 3)
  4. Create effective and creative approaches for fostering teamwork and encouraging others to align their priorities with organizational excellence. (PLO 4)
  5. Align personal and organizational conduct with ethical, legal, and professional standards. (PLO 5)
  6. Apply business principles to the health care environment, including financial management, human resource management, organizational dynamics and governance, strategic planning, information management, risk management, and quality improvement. (PLO 6)

Degree Completion Roadmap

Two courses per term is full-time status, and students may not enroll in more than two courses per term.  Students may be either part-time or full-time students.  If you want to enroll in one course per semester and/or do not want to enroll in four consecutive semesters, Professor Toni Fogarty, who is the MS-HCA Graduate Coordinator will work with you to develop a customized degree completion roadmap.

Year 1 Semester 1
HCA 611
HCA 612
Semester 2
HCA 621
HCA 622
Year 2 Semester 3
HCA 631
HCA 641
Semester 4
HCA 693
HCA 642

University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR)

The University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR) has currently been suspended.


Course Descriptions and Student Learning Outcomes

HCA 611: Evolution of the U.S. Health Care System, Health Disparities and Policy (4 units)

Prerequisites:  Admission to the MS-HCA or MPA program.
Co-requisites:  None

Course description:  Provides critical examination of the U.S. health care system, including definitions of health and health determinants, key policies, diversity issues, health disparities, the role of insurance, reform efforts, and the influence of different system stakeholders, including patients, providers, and payors. 

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

  • Analyze the U.S. health care system in terms the major health care system components, including third-party payors, providers, patients, medical device manufacturers, pharmaceutical organizations, regulators, and educational facilities. 
  • Evaluate the effects of various political, economic, social, health, environmental, and resource factors on the health care system and health care policy.
  • Compare and contrast the U.S. health care system with other health care systems in developed countries.
  • Evaluate the performance of the U.S. health care system in terms of mortality, morbidity, patient satisfaction, costs, and quality of life indicators
  • Dissect the major public third-party payers, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP, in terms of benefits, funding, major policy decisions, and policy influencers.
  • Evaluate health care disparities in the U.S. in terms of race and ethnicity, gender, SES, geography, and sexual orientation.
  • Assess the roles and influence of different system stakeholders such as providers, patients, policymakers, and public and private third-party payers, especially in terms of health care reform efforts.
  • Discuss the health care policy making process in the U.S. and the various methods used to influence it.
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to cultural, ethnic, gender, and sexual orientation characteristics in the design and delivery of health services.
  • Create formal class presentations that demonstrate the ability to think critically, take information from different sources and create something new, and work collaboratively in a team with diverse team members.
  • Utilize APA publishing guidelines for writing research papers, discussion papers, and critical essays that demonstrate an integration of knowledge, are well-organized and well-written, display an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources, reflect critical thinking, and are free of plagiarism.

HCA 612:  Health Care Management, Leadership and Strategic Planning (4 units)

Prerequisites:  Admission to the MS-HCA or MPA program.
Co-requisites:  HCA 611

Course description:  Provides an exploration of management principles, roles and responsibilities in health care organizations, including organizational design, motivation, management theories and applications, conflict management, teamwork development, leadership styles and application, and strategic alliance formation.  

 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

  • Compare, contrast and apply different theories of management and leadership.
  • Assess, analyze, and articulate one’s own leadership abilities, attributes, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • Utilize strategic planning tools and methodologies to define organizational vision, assess the internal and external environment to formulate a strategic plan to achieve the vision, implement the plan, evaluate progress, and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Apply the principles and tools of management, organizational behavior and design, strategic planning, and change management to achieve organizational goals.
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to cultural, ethnic, gender, and sexual orientation characteristics in teamwork development, conflict management, and performance evaluation.
  • Create formal class presentations that demonstrate the ability to think critically, take information from different sources and create something new, and work collaboratively in a team with diverse team members.
  • Utilize APA publishing guidelines for writing research papers, discussion papers, and critical essays that demonstrate an integration of knowledge, are well-organized and well-written, display an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources, reflect critical thinking, and are free of plagiarism.

HCA 621:  Health Care Quality Improvement Tools and Methodologies (4 units)

Prerequisites:  HCA 611, HCA 612 and admission to the MS-HCA program
Co-requisites:  HCA 622

Course description:  Provides the development of quality assessment and improvement skills, a survey of methodologies and tools such as Six Sigma and Lean Thinking, an exploration of emerging trends, and an overview of the principles of instrumentation and measurement of health outcomes.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

  • Compare and contrast various health care quality improvement methodologies, such as Six Sigma, Lean Thinking, and Total Quality Management
  • Apply the principles of instrumentation and measurement of health outcomes, including health status, quality of life, patient satisfaction, and disability measures. 
  • Design, implement, and evaluate quality improvement projects
  • Trace the evolution of the quality improvement movement in the U.S. health care system
  • Utilize a systems-thinking approach to quality issue identification and problem solving
  • Create formal class presentations that demonstrate the ability to think critically, take information from different sources and create something new, and work collaboratively in a team with diverse team members.
  • Utilize APA publishing guidelines for writing research papers, discussion papers, and critical essays that demonstrate an integration of knowledge, are well-organized and well-written, display an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources, reflect critical thinking, and are free of plagiarism.

HCA 622:  Health Care Technology and Informatics (4 units)

Prerequisites:  HCA 612 and admission to the MS-HCA program
Co-requisites:  HCA 621

Course description:  Provides an introduction to information technology and informatics, a review of the effects of information on health service design and delivery, and an examination of the primary types of health information tools, including electronic health records, telehealth and mobile health. 

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

  • Analyze the factors that affected the evolution of core health care information systems and technology
  • Identify current and emerging challenges in HIS/HIT adoption
  • Apply the project management process and principles to create a project plan for an HIS implementation, including a risk mitigation plan
  • Describe health informatics and discuss their importance in today's health care organizations
  • Identify data analytics models used in health care and discuss the use of data in delivery evidence-based care
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of established industry standards as they relate to data exchange, privacy, and information security
  • Create formal class presentations that demonstrate the ability to think critically, take information from different sources and create something new, and work collaboratively in a team with diverse team members.
  • Utilize APA publishing guidelines for writing research papers, discussion papers, and critical essays that demonstrate an integration of knowledge, are well-organized and well-written, demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources, reflect critical thinking, and are free of plagiarism

HCA 631:  Health Care Financial Management and Third-Party Reimbursement (4 units)

Prerequisites:  HCA 611, University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR) and admission to the MS-HCA or MPA program
Co-requisites:  None

Course description:  Provides an introduction to the tools, concepts, and applications of financial management in the health care system, including accounting, financial statement creation and analysis, working capital management, investment strategies, capital needs financing, budgeting, and third-party service reimbursement systems.  

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

  • Analyze the impact of major 3rd-party payer reimbursement systems on revenues, including public payers such as Medicare and Medicaid
  • Construct and interpret the four basic financial statements for different ownership forms of health care organizations
  • Employ liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, activity ratios, and capital structure ratios for financial analysis
  • Utilize multiple financial techniques to analyze capital investment and production-level decisions
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts, terminology, methods, and trends in health care finance and insurance reimbursement
  • Outline the financial management implications of SOX and other legislative and regulatory requirements
  • Create and analyze the four major budgets – statistics, operating, cash, and capital

HCA 641:  Health Care Legal, Diversity and Ethical Issues (4 units)

Prerequisites:  HCA 611, University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR) and admission to the MS-HCA or MPA program
Co-requisites:  None

Course description:

Provides an examination of the legal, diversity, and ethical issues in service delivery, including the development of laws and regulations, health disparities and equity, patient and human subject rights, contract law, professional ethics, tort law, malpractice, and emerging ethical controversies.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

  • Analyze the legal, ethical and compliance issues associated with the delivery of quality patient care, especially in a cost-reduction or cost-containment environment
  • Compare and contrast different philosophies and principles of ethics and apply them in different health care settings
  • Summarize the legal responsibilities and legal risks of physicians, nurses, other health professionals and health care organizations
  • Outline the ways in which the legal, regulatory and compliance systems influence the delivery, financing, quality and access to services
  • Critique different tort reform ideas and plans
  • Evaluate contracts for enforceability
  • Create formal class presentations that demonstrate the ability to think critically, synthesize information from different sources and create something new, and work collaboratively in a team with diverse team members.
  • Utilize APA publishing guidelines for writing research papers, discussion papers, and critical essays that demonstrate an integration of knowledge, are well-organized and well-written, demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources, reflect critical thinking, and are free of plagiarism

HCA 642:  Health Care Program Development and Grant Writing (4 units)

Prerequisites:  HCA 621, HCA 622, HCA 631, University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR) and admission to the MS-HCA program
Co-requisites: HCA 641

Course description:  Provides introduction to the fundamentals of program development and grant proposal writing in the health care sector, including an overview of historical philanthropy, current trends, program development planning, potential funding source identification, and grant application and letter of intent writing.  

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

  • Utilize the principles and tools of program development in the health care sector
  • Analyze the criteria funders use for grant proposal evaluation
  • Research potential corporate, foundation and government funders and target the best funder for a grant
  • Assemble, write, and submit a compelling grant proposal
  • Discuss historical, current, and emerging trends in philanthropy
  • Write persuasive letters of intent

HCA 693:  Capstone Project (6 units)

Prerequisites:  HCA 621, HCA 622, University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR) and admission to the MS-HCA program
Co-requisites:  HCA 631

Course description:  Provides a culminating set of personal, academic and professional experiences where students synthesize, integrate and apply knowledge and skill sets developed in the program in order to develop an original field-based project and demonstrate competency in the program learning outcomes. 

Student learning outcomes:

  • Analyze and think critically about current and emerging issues in the health care system and the policy environment in which the system operates. 
  • Communicate effectively with internal and external organizational stakeholders, both in written and oral form. 
  • Form collaborative relationships and interact appropriately with diverse client groups, workplace supervisors and colleagues, and other organizational stakeholders. 
  • Create effective and creative approaches for fostering teamwork and encouraging others to align their priorities with organizational excellence. 
  • Align personal and organizational conduct with ethical, legal, and professional standards.
  • Apply business principles to the health care environment, including financial management, human resource management, organizational dynamics and governance, strategic planning, information management, risk management, and quality improvement.