Psychology Club FAQs

Normally only Psychology majors with active e-mail addresses join, but any matriculated student at 澳门资料 is welcome. There are no grade requirements, no dues, and no attendance requirements for Club members.

You will be placed on the Club's e-mail list, which insures that you will be informed of all Psyc Club events, and informed of all meetings of the officers. You can also use the e-mail list to communicate with other students in the Club.

Members may not attempt to sell anything other than used Psychology textbooks or similar materials. Other rules will evolve with time.

The Psyc Club can sponsor any kind of event that the officers deem appropriate, within the limits imposed by the university. In the past, such events have included "Fall Welcome Event," "Careers in Psychology," "Graduate School Information Day," and "Spring Farewellcome." Field trips and parties are also fine. An informal goal of the Club is to have at least one event per quarter.

The Club officers decide. Members are invited to send ideas to the officers or attend the officers' meetings to share their ideas (and perhaps share the work).

President: Do what's necessary to maintain the organization's communication and to facilitate events. This includes arranging monthly meetings, reading and replying to e-mail a few times per week, and talking with friends to think of new ideas for events. Vice President: Support President, attend meetings, help create events and assist in executing and delegating all necessary tasks.

Secretary: Take notes of meetings and distribute the notes to all officers, via e-mail. Manage the Club's Blackboard account. Send e-mail announcements of all Club events and officers' meetings to all Club members.

Treasurer: Organize funds, request monetary support from Associated Students, get checks from Associated Students.

Public Relations: Oversee the creation and distribution of posters, flyers, and announcements.

All officers (plus members): Purchase necessary supplies, food, etc.; invite speakers and guests to events and meetings; distribute and remove posters, flyers, and announcements.

Good officers work together to help each other perform Club duties. While someone must hold each official title, most work is a collaborative effort, with each person working to do what needs to be done, even if it's not part of their "job description."

Club officers meet at their convenience, at least once each month. They decide how many and what kind of events the Club will sponsor, and, with help from members, do the work necessary to make events happen.

Terms are flexible. Even one-quarter terms can work well. However, a one-year term (4 quarters) gives the officers a chance to get to know their jobs and each other, as well as gain useful experience coordinating events and helping other students make the most of their time at 澳门资料. Longer terms allow the development of even more expertise.

Contact Dr. Fencsik, Dr. Cleveland, or the present officers. You must be a matriculated student at 澳门资料 with at least a 2.00 GPA.

As a Club officer, you get to decide how many and what kind of events the Club will sponsor. The Club exists for your benefit as well as other psyc majors, so you can choose events that will give you what you want. As a Club officer, you also get to meet new people; learn some tricks about how to make a bureaucracy work to your benefit; network with community agencies, colleges, and universities; practice communication skills (a useful tool that can later apply in any setting); have a great time; and make a difference in your school. In addition, employers and graduate schools are favorably impressed when students applying for positions have taken leadership roles in organizations.