Frequently Asked Questions

If you still cannot find the information you are looking for regarding Intramural Sports, reference the Participant Handbook or contact us at

Intramural Sports is a program that provides organized sports leagues and tournaments to students, staff and faculty at Cal State East Bay. Unlike varsity sports (NCAA), intramural sports are played between groups of students and staff on campus. You will be playing against fellow students, classmates, or maybe even your professor. Intramural sports are designed for recreational play, and typically no practices are held. Our leagues are fun and offer participants an opportunity to try a new sport or hang out with friends. Here are a few reasons why you might want to play:

  1. It is FUN! Hey, did we mention playing sports with friends is fun yet?
  2. There is something for everyone. We offer a variety of sports, some you may be familiar with and some you aren't. Try something new!
  3. Meet new people. Build relationships that will last a lifetime!
  4. Stay active. We know lifting weights and hitting the treadmill isn't for everyone. Get your exercise and feel good playing sports instead!

To register for an Intramural Sports league or tournaments participants will need to download the FusionPlay App. From there they can then sign up a team, join an existing team, or register as a Free Agent. Follow along with the player app guidebook for step by step instructions. 

No worries! Free Agents are encouraged to add themselves to any team that is named "Free Agent Team", if and when they see one during registration. Additionally, Free Agents are able to create a profile so that team captains can invite Free Agents to join their team. Free Agents can also browse other teams and request to be added. If you do not have a team by the second week of the season, contact the intramural sports office and we will help you out! 

Our sports and tournaments change each semester and are typically 4 or 8 weeks in duration (*with an additional 1-2 weeks of playoffs). We try to infuse new and exciting sports into the season, alongside traditional team sports such as basketball, soccer, flag football, and volleyball.

IM Sports participation is open to students, faculty, and staff at Cal State East Bay. Faculty and Staff must hold an active Recreation and Wellness (RAW) Center membership. Cal State East Bay students currently enrolled in one or more classes, and paying the "UU Rec Fee" as a part of their overall tuition and fees, are given a complimentary RAW membership and eligible to participate. Students currently enrolled but not paying the "UU Rec Fee" must purchase a RAW membership to participate. The IM Sports program cannot support alumni, community, or day pass/sponsored guest participation, at this time.

All players will need to bring a valid form of identification (physical BayCard, digital BayCard App, RAW Member App barcode, government issued id) to every game. We also ask that you wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times while participating in IM Sports.

Of course! We encourage people to try new sports regardless of prior experience. Some sport leagues offer two or more different divisions, Division A and Division B and so on, so that teams and participants can find the best fit for their skill level and desired experience.  

Yes. You can play on ONE OPEN team, and ONE Co-Rec team per sport offered that season. 

For both leagues, participants generally display a variety of skill levels, or want to have fun or learn the rules of a sport with some competitive match-ups. There are no gender specific guidelines for teams in the OPEN league. For CoRec leagues, teams are required to have a specific number of both male and female identified players on the field/court at all times. Cal State East Bay IM Sports encourages and welcomes all persons to participate in all leagues according to their asserted gender.

Once you have played on a team in a league, you may not change teams. Checking in to a game counts as playing in that game. If you have not yet played in a game in that league, you may remove yourself from a team and add to a different team. 

A “Varsity Athlete” is an individual who participates in an intercollegiate contest, attends regularly scheduled practices for a span of more than two weeks, or appears on any official intercollegiate team roster. “Varsity Athletes” include those athletes that may have played at another school before attending Cal State East Bay. For the purposes of eligibility, practice team players, red shirt players and former varsity players are considered “Varsity Athletes.”

“Varsity Athletes” are allowed to participate in their same or related sport in the Intramural Sports program. No intramural sports team may roster more than two “Varsity Athletes” that are playing in their same/similar sport (e.g. an intramural basketball team may not roster more than two “Varsity” basketball players). There is no limit to the number of “Varsity Athletes” that can play on a single roster in a non related/similar sport (e.g. an intramural volleyball team may roster five baseball “Varsity Athletes”). “Varsity Athletes” retain their status for three years from the date of their last participation for the intercollegiate team.

For eligible persons who hold a RAW membership, participation in Intramural Sports leagues and tournaments currently comes at no additional cost.

Games are generally played once a week during the regular season. League sports play either a 4 or an 8 week/game season, followed by 1-2 weeks of playoffs to determine a champion.

Playoff advancement is decided based on the number of teams in each league and space and time available. Usually teams with a winning percentage (.500+) qualify for playoffs. Teams are ranked according to winning percentage, sportsmanship rating, head-to-head, and points allowed. 

Aside from bragging rights, winning teams will receive an Intramural Sports Championship T-Shirt and a place on the Intramural Sports Wall of Fame in the RAW lobby. Champion photos will also be displayed on our online Wall of Champions

Yes! Intramural Sports hires sports officials every semester/sports season to fill positions that have become vacant. For more information on how to become an official, please email