Grades and Credit by Examination

You can view your grades online at  approximately 7-10 days after the close of the term. Undergraduate students may also earn course credit by taking exams to achieve course content to complete a requirement.


You may check your grades in My澳门资料 by going to the ‘Account Services’ tile. Grades are official after the end of each term. You can view the date grades will be official for the term on the Important Dates website.

If you received an incomplete grade for a course, you should accept your incomplete contract in My澳门资料. You may also review information about incomplete grades below.


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Credit by Examination

Credit by Examination is an option available only to undergraduate students. You may request to challenge courses because of special studies or experiences. A challenge consists of taking an examination on the course material rather than taking the whole class. If the exam is passed, you will receive units recorded as test credit that will count as units toward graduation, but will not count as resident credit or be included in GPA calculations. The exam must be administered during the first two weeks of the term and results submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the fifth week of the term. Students may do a challenge exam for more than one course, but each course may be challenged only once. Credit by examination is not allowed for a course that is a prerequisite for a course which the student has already completed or in which the student is currently enrolled. Challenge exams cannot be used to earn a higher grade in a course. No more than 24 semester units of credit obtained by challenging courses may be applied toward the baccalaureate degree. See the department for more information and assistance.


How to Obtain Credit By Examination

Communicate with a department about offering a Credit by Exam/Challenge Exam. Arrangements for the examination are made between a student and the department. The department will notify you of the results of the examination. If the exam is passed, the department will send a Credit by Exam/Challenge Exam form to Registrar’s for processing, and test credit for the course that was challenged will be granted.