SCAA Impact

  • "The greatest growth experience as a Peer Leader was witnessing the positive impact of mentorship on students’ academic journeys. Seeing students gain confidence and overcome hurdles has been immensely fulfilling." - SCAA Supplemental Instruction Leader, Fall 2023
  • "I really enjoyed having [my SCAA Writing Associate] in class because she was very eager to help whenever I had a question and would always appreciate me for speaking out in class which made me want to speak up more." - Student enrolled in a Fall 2023 section with an embedded WA
  • "Being a Peer Academic Coach increased my well-being incredibly. I found a community…It also helped me make the most of my college experience by exposing me to a majority of the °ÄÃÅ×ÊÁÏ resources available." - SCAA Peer Academic Coach, Fall 2023
  • "[My Peer Academic Coach] made me feel very comfortable talking about my struggles with classes, as well as helped me produce a game plan to commit to my goals for the term." - Fall 2023 Participant
  • "I was very happy with my Writing Associate. She allowed my class to have more contact time with an advanced writer than they would have had if I were the only one helping them. I would really like to have her in my class in the future as she helped me with the students and with ways to design some assignments and class discussions!" - Faculty member paired with a WA during Fall 2023
  • "Reflecting on my experience as a Peer Leader this semester, my most significant growth came from learning to facilitate student collaboration. This challenge significantly enhanced my communication skills, patience, and adaptability. On a personal level, navigating these challenges has fostered greater resilience and empathy..." - SCAA Supplemental Instruction Leader, Fall 2023
  • "My experience as a Peer Leader has completely transformed me as a student at °ÄÃÅ×ÊÁÏ. Working in this position has given me perspective on many issues that students, including me, happen to face during their academic journeys." - SCAA Subject Tutor, Fall 2023
  • "As a transfer student, it helped me feel not only that I belong but that I am a part of the university." - SCAA Subject Tutor, Fall 2023
  • "My experience as a Peer Leader has significantly enriched my journey as a student at °ÄÃÅ×ÊÁÏ. Balancing the responsibilities of leadership alongside my academics has refined my time management skills, allowing me to handle tasks more efficiently. Moreover, the role has improved my communication and collaboration abilities..." - SCAA Reception Team Member, Fall 2023
  • "Being a Writing Tutor and Writing Associate has made me a better student, leader, and educator." - SCAA Writing Tutor, Fall 2023

SCAA Assessment & Evaluation Processes

The SCAA completes an annual assessment cycle in two phases. PART I, the Planning Blueprint, is completed prior to the start of the academic year, typically finalized by the first day of the Fall term. PART II, the Performance Blueprint, is completed at the conclusion of the academic year, typically after Spring term grades are posted. The SCAA’s blueprint document outlines the description, scope, learning outcomes, measures/key performance indicators, and assessment methods for each initiative within the department. The structure of the document ties each initiative to its correlating goal within the organization.

Listed below are common terms or phrases utilized in the SCAA Blueprint and how we understand them.

  • Mission Statement: a clear, concise statement of the fundamental purpose of a unit; describes what the organization does (function), who it serves (target populations), and the results it intends to achieve (intended outcomes); describes the unique role of the organization (answers the question, why does the specific unit exist?)

  • Vision Statement: a brief statement that provides a picture of the organization in the future, or the impact the organization will have in the future (the state the organization is working toward)

  • Values: traits or characteristics employees adopt and demonstrate in the workplace that showcase what is important to the organization

  • Core Functions: the primary activities of the organization; the main categories of work; essential activities; what the unit does toward fulfillment of its mission

  • Goal Statement: framed around a core function; describes measurable results that the organization intends to achieve through the core function; should state what the unit will do (core function), who it will serve (target population), and intended results

  • Initiatives: specific action strategies in support of the core function/goal statement; should be stated in terms of what action the unit will take, who it will serve, and the intended results

  • Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): statements that specify what students will know, will be able to do, or will be able to demonstrate when they have completed or participated in a program/activity/course/project; usually expressed as knowledge, skills, attitudes or values

  • Measure/Key Performance Indicators (KPI): a quantitative measure that summarizes assessment results of some aspect of performance, distilled down to numbers; specific data that indicates magnitude and relative success of an initiative or core function; may be transactional data OR a measure of the results of learning/behavior

  • Assessment Methods: instruments that will be used to measure some aspect of performance, in order to provide an indicator (KPI) of the effectiveness of the practice being assessed

SCAA Mission Statement: The mission of the Student Center for Academic Achievement (SCAA) is to provide °ÄÃÅ×ÊÁÏ students with individual and collaborative learning opportunities within an inclusive environment fostering independent growth. The SCAA strives to cultivate adaptability, self-direction, and self-confidence through peer-to-peer support programs. SCAA services help students set achievable goals, develop academic skills, and improve subject comprehension.

SCAA Vision Statement
: The SCAA provides all °ÄÃÅ×ÊÁÏ students with an inviting and intellectually-stimulating learning environment that fosters curiosity, independence, and critical thinking. 

SCAA Values:

  • Collaboration
  • Progress
  • Commitment
  • Belonging

SCAA Core Functions

  1. Subject-specific academic support
  2. Writing skills development
  3. Foundational academic skills development
  4. Quality professional development and growth opportunities
  5. Collaborative cross-campus engagement efforts
SCAA Goals
  1. To improve subject comprehension and performance and support student learning through academic skills development efforts in Supplemental Instruction (SI) and Subject Tutoring

  2. To improve communication skills and support students' development of academic self-efficacy* through process-oriented writing programs (Writing Tutoring, Online Writing Lab, and Writing Associates)
    • *Academic self-efficacy refers to students’ beliefs about their own abilities to perform and achieve academic goals; the higher self-efficacy a student possess, the more effectively the student self-regulates through everyday situations in the college environment; self-efficacy has long been considered a predictor of academic achievement (definition adapted from Bandura, 1997; Wright, Jenkins-Guarnieri & Murdock, 2013; Feldman & Kubota, 2015; Vuong, Brown-Welty & Tracz, 2010).

  3. To increase student persistence and self-regulation by providing individual and small-group foundational academic skills development initiatives focused on independent learning strategies. (Peer Academic Coaching)
    • definition of self-regulated learning…“an active, constructive process whereby learners set goals for their learning and then attempt to monitor, regulate, and control their cognition, motivation, and behavior, guided and constrained by their goals and the contextual features in the environment” (Pintrich, 2000. p. 453).

  4. To foster student engagement and cultivate leadership skills through intentionally-designed co-curricular** employment opportunities (SCAA Peer Leadership)
    • **Co-curricular refers to the activities and learning experiences that take place alongside academic curriculum.

  5. To enhance the network of support available for students through the development of relationships with campus partners

SCAA Focus Areas

  • Support of Area A - English Language Communication & Critical Thinking
    • Course-specific support (SI and Subject Tutoring) and/or Writing support for Area A courses on the “Top 20 D/F/WU Course” list 
      • Continued focus on A2 (ENGL 101) completion rates 
    • Prioritization of writing-intensive (UWR) courses
    • Prioritization of inter-departmental partnership-building to increase the development of written communication skills on campus

  • Support of Area B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning 
    • Course-specific support (SI and Subject Tutoring) for Area B courses on the “Top 20 D/F/WU Course” list 
      • Prioritization of high-DFW/high-impact courses
      • Continued focus on B4 (Mathematical Concepts) completion rates in partnership with the STEM LAB

  • Support of the retention and academic skill development first-year students
    • Specific focus on the reduction of 4-year stop-out rate of first-year (frosh) students (Peer Academic Coaching)
    • Support for transition-focused/pathways/GS courses on the “Top 20 D/F/WU Course” list as well as SCI 130, BIOL 130, and CLAS 105
    • With the upcoming system-wide adjustment to GE (CAL-GETC) and the campus shift to College-based Advising, the Peer Academic Coaching (PAC) program will focus on building and leveraging college-based relationships with advisors. We are working with the advising leadership team to envision PAC’s role in supporting professional advisors.

  • Support of the retention and performance (success) of underrepresented minority (URM) students, in consultation/partnership with Institutional Strategy & Effectiveness.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) by Program

Goal 1, Initiative A: Subject Tutoring

  1. SLO 1: Students will advance course knowledge (increased understanding of course content) and increase academic persistence (increased confidence in ability to succeed, increased preparation to meet the goals of the course, ABC grades) in high-need and/or high-impact courses
  2. SLO 2: Students will develop collaborative partnerships and rapport with tutors (as academic role models) and apply academic study skills and learning strategies

Goal 1, Initiative B: Supplemental Instruction (SI)

  1. SLO 1: Students will develop and apply effective study strategies to improve comprehension, thinking and reasoning skills, and performance in current and future historically-difficult courses (DFW rates ≥ 20% of course enrollment)
  2. SLO 2: Students will establish meaningful, collaborative connections with faculty and/or peer leaders to develop a sense of on-campus belonging.

Goal 2, Initiatives A-B-C: Writing Tutoring, Online Writing Lab, and Writing Associates (WA)

  1. SLO 1: Students will develop collaborative partnerships and rapport with tutors (as academic role models) and improve communication skills
  2. SLO 2: Students will develop greater academic self-efficacy within the writing process

Goal 3, Initiative A: Peer Academic Coaching (PAC)

  1. SLO 1: Students will develop academic confidence and foundational academic skills to increase academic persistence (decreased stop-out rates of first-year students)
  2. SLO 2: Students will develop collaborative partnerships and rapport with coaches (as academic role models) and apply academic study skills and learning strategies

Goal 4, Initiative A: SCAA Peer Leadership

  1. SLO 1: Students will gain leadership skills through participation in training sessions and through facilitating appointments/sessions
  2. SLO 2: Students will increase confidence in applying leadership skills

Please reference our 2022-2023 AY Annual Report and our 2023-2024 AY Annual Report for student participant outcomes.

More About Peer-Engaged Campus Efforts

The SCAA is part of the Academic Peer Support Leadership Group at °ÄÃÅ×ÊÁÏ, established in November 2023, in order to ensure that peer-engaged campus efforts to increase retention rates, reduce achievement gaps, and build belonging are coordinated, collaborative, and strategic.

Academic Peer Support Programs Flyer