Faculty & Student Profile

Additional Information on Our Undergraduate Students

  • 45.1% First-time full-time students graduate within 6 years (37.3% from 澳门资料 and 7.8% from other universities).
  • 23.6% First-time full-time students drop out during or at end of their first year (e.g., students enrolled in fall 2010 but did not re-enroll in fall 2011).
  • 67% Age 25 or Older
  • 45% Low Income

Students Speak Out: What They Need From Professors

Student participants' made the following remarks in the 2011-12 澳门资料 Diversity Survey.

"I feel disrespected when…professors become hetero-normative in their classes…Because I did not feel confident on how my professor would react I did not confront this student about her homophobic…remarks." (LGBQ student)

"As an intersex person, I have strong feelings about pronouns…and I’ve had two teachers dismiss my expressed desire for a pronoun that fits my gender."

"I felt EXTREMELY disrespected by this professor because I am female…the females in the class all felt this…I am dreading the fact that I WILL have to take at least one other course with this professor to complete my degree." (Student)

African American students felt disrespected with regard to being treated like an outsider, needing to tolerate racially insensitive or hurtful statements, and being accused of cheating or plagiarism when that was not the case (e.g., "Your work was too good.")

African American students suggested that faculty receive diversity education periodically and that there be direct discussion of diversity issues in classes.

"... He actively sought out my individual voice as a Chicano, validating my life experience as I shared with the class. His ability to be self-deprecating and call out his own role in gender and racial social constructions makes him a great asset to the class ..."

"A professor made a comment to me about my race and socioeconomic status. She assumed that since I was Caucasian that I must be upper class. That was not only hurtful but untrue. I had asked about the location of a community project we needed to complete for the class and she assumed I wanted to work in an upper class community, laughing at me the whole time."

"One of my professors…would always talk down on Caucasian people. She would give the Caucasian people a harder time when doing their speeches, criticizing them more than the others."

"As far as class structure, I have found that the subject of disability is conspicuously absent in courses that regard social differences, institutional oppression and no discussion on disability rights in classes that address subjects such as euthanasia of the disabled. I have been subject to a number of statements that can be considered very ignorant and mean spirited by fellow students."