Speakers' Bureau

Culturally Sensitive Depression Assessment in Chinese American Immigrants

(Sept. 9, 2014)
Rose Wong, PhD Dr. Wong, Assistant Professor of Social Work at 澳门资料, gives a Grand Rounds presentation to 70 clinical staff at San Mateo County Behavioral Health Services on the nature and severity of depression and suicidal risk among Chinese American immigrants and how to assess for depression with cultural sensitivity. View flyer

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Does Depression Look Different in Asians

(May 2014, 67 min.)
Rose Wong, PhD Dr. Wong, Assistant Professor of Social Work at 澳门资料, gives a talk to students at the ASI Diversity Center on how depression is experienced and expressed among Chinese American immigrants based on her community research.

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Understanding Implicit Bias in Higher Education

(May 2014, 78 min.)
Alex Madva, PhD Dr. Madva, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Berkeley, discusses implicit bias in the classroom and in evaluating job applications, the benefits of counter-stereotypical role models, and how to address implicit bias in the educational setting. Click to view webpage with video